Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Who's world do you live in?????

I love it when my kids come home from school, and tell me about what they learned. That is untill Kelty came home with this one.

Kelty: Hey mom do you know we live in a free world?

Me: No you mean I live in a free world you live in Camille's world.

Kelty: No mom we live in a free world. I learned about it in school.

Me: Untill you pay taxes and contibute to society you live in Camille's world. I pay all those things for you. Kelty just looks at me like. Whatever mom you are so weird.

Now some of you might think I am crazy. I am but that is a whole other blogging topic. I am trying to teach my children to work. It seems like everytime I ask them to do something I hear but its a free world. I don't have to do that if I don't want to. Then it hit me they don't. So one night last week we where having our daily clean your room battle. I came up with it's Camille's world. We spent about 15 min. learning what is expected of my kids in Camille's world. Not to say this is working but I thought it was kinda funny. So if you ever see my kids on the street ask them who's world they live in. I think I have finally brainwashed them to believe they really live in Camille's world.

So I thought I would post who's world do you live in?

I love comments. So whoever reads this, I am curious Who's world do you live in? Leave me a comment and tell me.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Just laugh its what I did

I went to the school today for all the party's the kids where having before school let out for the Christmas break. The night before it said it was supposed to be really stormy. Well its like 2 o'clock no storm. I go in the school and party hardy with the kids. Just as school is about to get over the principal comes over the intercom and is saying something about where the bus kids are lining up, and to please hurry so all the teachers can get home before the worst of the storm hits. I am like wow it must really look like it is going to storm out their.
School gets out. I round up my kids. Holy cow the wind is blowing and snow is coming down hard like a blizzard. I am like wow where did this come from.
As I am walking out of the school. My neighbors boy is standing their. I ask if he wants a ride home. YES he says. His mom is a teacher at the school. Do you need to go and tell your mom before we go. Yeah he say. Fine I will wait for you in the car. He comes with his sister. They get in we get to their house, they get out. I start pulling out of the driveway. Not really paying attention. I get high centered on a snow bank. Yes folks that is right I am high centered.
I just sit their. I start laughing so hard. I call Gene. As soon as I hear his voice I bust up laughing so hard. He says he is way busy what do I need. I tell him. He is way busy at work, and can't leave. Customers out the door. I am sitting in my car laughing. Mind you my house is about 30 feet away. I could leave my car until Gene can come and help me.
Then I get the bright idea to go ask the neighbor for help. Well he comes out to help me. He is laughing so hard. Lets just say that I am the most random neighbor ever. He gets me of my little snow hill.
Oh the adventures of Camille. Really what can I say keep reading cause you know their will be more.

*yeah this is now the second time I have high centered my car and had to be pulled off of something.

Can we say B&E

So tonight Gene and I went to dinner with some great friends. After dinner our friends had some shopping to do. Gene and I came home. (We left Kelty babysitting.) Well we got home I got a phone call. It was my friend she asked if I could go to her house and find this list that she forgot. Of course no big deal, I would be happy to, all the usual answers. So I go over she tells me how to get into to her house. I try the door she thought was open its locked. I tried the old Credit Card trick. (I mean what are they good for anyway.) Didn't work. All her other doors are locked. After I waded through like 4 feet of snow (okay like 1" but this is my story right.) I thought I am not giving up that easy. I looked at her windows, are they all locked?
Nope I am so in I thought. Now how to get the screen of. Looking around through that 4 feet of snow. I found something. I pried the screen of. Then the window won't budge. Oh hello Camille wrong side of the window. When I actually tried the right side of the window wallah I am in. As I am climbing through the window. I am looking around waiting for the neighbors to be calling the cops. No such luck. Thankfully. So anyway I call her just laughing and saying just remember we are friends and you asked me to do this and don't press charges. She is just laughing and says what did you do?
So if you need someone to break in your house I am the one to call. I can do it. Even if their is 4 feet of new snow on the ground. For friends I would wade through it.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Santa came to town

I bet after you read this you will all wish you lived in my neighborhood. One of Santa's helpers came to see my family the other night. He is so good every year we get this visit. You can count on it. It my neighborhood it is normal this time of year to see Santa and his reindeer walking down our street. Is it normal at your house to?

(yes I said reindeer they are real to.)

This is normal for my kids and I to see this. Sometimes I take it for granted. Like the other day "Santa" was walking down the street and my kids got so excited. I just kept driving, I did wave though. I know shot me.

This "Santa" that visits is the best. The kids all know him. He just tells them that he is Santa's helper. He then gives them a candy stick, mom and dads get apples.

I can't say enough good about this man. He is so willing to do this. He loves it Christmas is his favorite time of year.

Just a little side note here. Christmas time you see him walking the streets as Santa with his reindeer but at Halloween you will see him dressed sometimes as a banana, pooh bear, twiddle dum, and many more. Taking the preschoolers that his daughter teaches on a hay ride through our neighborhood.

Let me ask again don't you wish you lived in my neighborhood.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A little sad

Looking at the last picture I just posted, it makes me a little sad. Due to some health complications, I had an ablation. Just look it up. It basically makes it so I can't have any more kids. The best part for me is no more periods. Sorry to much info. Anyways I knew I was done having kids. Gene has been fixed. I know makes him sound like a dog. So I knew we where done having kids. Then I had this done and it just finalized it for sure for sure. You know that feeling where I know I can't handle anymore kids. I knew we where done. I think it is just that finality of it all. Sorry just had to post this after seeing that cute little picture of Jesse and knowing I will never again experience that. Sad, glad, feeling a lose, feeling joy all at the same time.
You have to read the story below to get the reason for this picture. But this is Jesse. All healthy and well after Gene delivered him, curious read the post before this one.

Warning Read only if you dare.

Okay so on the last post at the end of it I said that my husband delivered my 3rd child. It is really not as bad as it sounds. Here's the story.
I was induced Fri morning. I was progressing fine. I got some pains and asked for my epidural. I know big wimpo to each their own I say. So I was fine just sleeping and hanging out. My Dr. was my cousin he said he would come and deliver me when it got closer fine with me. (did I mention by this time I had my epidural which = Happy Camille.) Anyway my nurse checks me I am at like a 6 six hours into this whole birthing process. No big deal I thought. My nurse left. Gene and I are just talking. All the sudden my nurse runs back into my room. I need to check you she says. I look at her like you have totally got the wrong room. You just checked me I am fine. (side note here My epidural was really working). She proceeds to lift up my blanket and yells out. CODE WHITE. I am like what I know that means that their is a baby and no doctor present. She lets my leg fall and runs out. My ever so helpful husband says let me see. (He is all about the southern hemisphere.) The baby's head was almost out by this time. Also my good friend worked over in another part of Labor and Delivery and when she heard Dr. White called she ran over to see what was going on. Well needless to say she always makes me laugh. I just started laughing. And out came Jesse into Gene's hand. Some Dr. runs in a cuts the cord. In the meantime the nurse ran out of the room to call my cousin to come and deliver the baby. Well I guess when the regular Dr. left to go back to the office to take over while Dr. Thorpe was coming over, I had Jesse. It was weird kinda nice though. No pushing just laughing on this delivery. Gotta love it.
So their is my story glad to have it written down. It is kinda a unique story. Let me just say Thank heaven for epidurals. Couldn't have done this without one.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Join the fun
Join in the fun! Copy and paste the list. Bold the things you have done...

1. Started your own blog 2. Slept under the stars 3. Played in a band 4. Visited Hawaii 5. Watched a meteor shower 6. Given more than you can afford to charity 7. Been to Disneyland 8. Climbed a mountain 9. Held a praying mantis 10. Sang a solo 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14.Taught yourself an art from scratch 15. Adopted a child 16. Had food poisoning 17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty 18. Grown your own vegetables 19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France 20. Slept on an overnight train 21. Had a pillow fight 22. Hitch hiked 23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 24. Built a snow fort 25. Held a lamb 26. Gone skinny dipping 27. Run a 1/2 Marathon 28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice 29. Seen a total eclipse 30. Watched a sunrise or sunset 31. Hit a home run. 32. Been on a cruise 33. Seen Niagara Falls in person 34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 35. Seen an Amish community 36. Taught yourself a new language 37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person 39. Gone rock climbing 40. Seen Michelangelo’s David 41. Sung karaoke 42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt 43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant 44. Visited Africa 45. Walked on a beach by moonlight 46. Been transported in an ambulance 47. Had your portrait painted 48. Gone deep sea fishing 49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person 50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris 51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling 52. Kissed in the rain 53. Played in the mud 54. Gone to a drive-in theater 55. Been in a movie 56. Visited the Great Wall of China 57. Started a business 58. Taken a martial arts class 59. Visited Russia 60. Served at a soup kitchen 61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies 62. Gone whale watching 63. Got flowers for no reason 64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma 65. Gone sky diving 66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp 67. Bounced a check 68. Flown in a helicopter 69. Saved a favorite childhood toy 70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial 71. Eaten Caviar 72. Pieced a quilt 73. Stood in Times Square 74. Toured the Everglades 75. Been fired from a job 76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London 77. Broken a bone. 78.Been on a speeding motorcycle 79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person 80. Published a book 81. Visited the Vatican 82. Bought a brand new car 83. Walked in Jerusalem 84. Had your picture in the newspaper 85. Read the entire Bible 86. Visited the White House 87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 88. Had chickenpox 89. Saved someone’s life 92. Joined a book club 90. Sat on a jury91. Met someone famous 93. Lost a loved one 94. Had a baby 95. Seen the Alamo in person 96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake 97. Been involved in a law suit 98. Owned a cell phone 99. Been stung by a bee 100.Made amends with someone who offended you 101. Flew in a small Cessna plane with just you and the pilot 102. Ran out of gas 103. Eaten fried okra 104. Swam in the Caribbean Sea 105. Peed in a swimming pool 106. Stayed in a beach house 107. Hosted an exchange student 108. Been a Secret Santa to a family in need 109. Worked on a political campaign 110. Coached a sports team 111. Baked bread from scratch 112. Driven from coast to coast 113. Paid off all of your debt 114. Roast marshmallows over a campfire 115. Cut up a credit card 116. Drove a car through a flood 117. Been on t.v 118. Had braces 119. Been to the top of the twin towers in NY. 120. Have played in both the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans 121. Been to ground zero 122. Bite my fingernails 123. Likes to scrapbook 124. Hates pie 125. Visited Mexico 126. Seen a Tornado in person 127. Rafted the Colorado and Green rivers. 128. love aprons 129.flew over bryce canyon in a helicoptor. 130. my husband delivered my 3rd child.

Now add something that's not on this list and keep it going, if you'd like.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

What I did today

Got up at 6:00 A.M. For any of you who know me know that this is a huge thing for me.
Went and saw my niece Anna as Grand Marshall of the Christmas Parade on Provo Center Street.

Washed 38 round table cloths and 8 square table cloths.

(Hence the reason I was up at 6 this morning.)

Folded 38 round table cloths and 8 square ones.
I have to say they are round cause of what a pain in the butt the round ones are to fold. :)
Went to my cousin's kids Baptism.

Went to the party after the Baptism.

Got tied up.

For some reason I am the person that Gene's uncle Joel and Cousin Jeremy think they can pick on. So after we got done putting paper on the tables. I went and put my extra tape on Joel's head. When I had my back turned next thing I knew Jeremy was holding my hands behind my back. Needless to say the pictures says it all. Oh well at least I can laugh at my self right.

Maybe having my mouth taped is not such a bad thing???????
Went and just hung out with Gene's cousin and her family.

James and Taylor just having fun.

Came home and finished folding the table cloths.

Just so their is proof that I really did fold all those table cloths.
Put the kids to bed. Yeah me.

So to sum it all up. Joy in my Journey???? Oh most defiantly I love busy days like this. Makes me forget that my husband is working on a Saturday.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Joy in the Journey

I was eating dinner tonight with my kids. I couldn't resist this Picture. It looks like we are having a great time. We where right up to this point. Then Jesse decided that he didn't want to eat any more and it would be fun to dump his plate upside down. Then he got mad again and decided to dump his water out. The phrase from President Monsen kept coming to my mind. Joy in the Journey, it actaully made me start to laugh. This is my journey and I need to find Joy in it.

Well I found my Joy tonight. It is defiantly worth it, when you remember that they are so precious and so moldable.
Kelty, Jesse, James and Kennedy our dear cousin that we will gladly claim as our own anytime.

While I am writing about finding Joy. I couldn't resist this picture. When I went to get my camera to download the pictures. Jesse says "thumbs up mom." Mind you it is 10:30 at night when this picture was taken.
So I am going to try to keep finding Joy in my Journey even if it is 10:30 at night.

Friday, November 21, 2008


All I can say is DON'T GO. Twilight is the worst movie I think I have ever seen. EVER. Oh my gosh, when it was a serious scene I was laughing my head of. It was the worst. The makeup was completely awful. I mean I don't wear makeup and I could have done a better job as the makeup artist. When they show the first scene with Dr. Cullen I burst out laughing. When they showed his face it was like a child with Halloween makeup they hadn't washed of yet, but some of it had rubbed of.

Okay I know this is a very biased opinion but come on. If I can save one person the money from going and seeing this then I guess my my job is done.

If I wasn't for a good friend to go and see this with it would have been a totally wasted 5 hours tonight. Since I went with a good friend it was worth going. Thanks Kim for the wonderful but horrible night out. Your the best.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I didn't freak out. You just have to know this going into this story.

So I am the activity chairperson in our ward. Lucky me huh! So I am in the middle of planning my Christmas party. I have this wonderful person on my committee who is an amazing I.T. guy. Well I got this brilliant idea earlier this year, that we could do a video of like a year in review. So I have been kinda working on it. Then my fabulous I.T. guy came into my life. So I had some pictures that I had downloaded on my comp. Being the fabulous I.T. person that I am. NOT. I just took my whole comp. up to his house. As I was opening my laptop something on his coffee table caught my eye. I quickly moved my laptop so I couldn't see it. Kelty was with me and I said "please tell me that is not what I think it is." She looks and says yes mom it's a SNAKE. I quickly start panicking and calling to the wife. Please come and move it. I am majorly petrified of snakes. She starts laughing and saying its only a baby ball python. It is shedding and we are giving it a bath to help it lose it skin faster. All this time I am thinking I don't really care just get me out of here. My heart is racing, my hands are sweating, I am trying to control my breathing. I have him get my pictures of my comp. and am ready to go and Gene calls and says to go and get some eggs. I just say ok and leave. Needless to say I didn't go get eggs I barely drove home I walked into the house and went and curled up on the couch. Gene says wheres the eggs. I start crying. Luckily Kelty is their to tell him the story. He just says I am sorry and I guess I will be taking anything else up to them you need to give them. I just look at him like duh!
The kicker to the story is he just looks at me after Kelty told the story and says Don't worry about the eggs I will go and get them. I just look at him like you think. I am not moving of this couch.

Sorry no pictures but I am not going back to ask them if I can take a picture of their snake. I am not surfing the Internet looking for a picture either. Use your imagination.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Laugh all you want

You can laugh all you want at this picture but remember he's all mine. All mine I say. So tonight like we haven't been doing anything at all. I decided that we needed to rake the leaves on the front lawn. So I asked Gene if he would help me. Of course he said yes. After some pleading and begging on my part. So he came out and he was already for bed so he just out on his pajama bottoms and cowboy boots. Yes you heard that right. Shorts and cowboy boots eat your heart out girls. I didn't get the picture of him mowing the lawn at 9 o'clock at night wearing his boots and shorts. Then he went out to clean out the hot tub fliters so I hurried and grabbed the camara and this is what I got. So eat your heart out girls just remember you can look but not touch.

Its about time.

We have sorta, kinda, finished the painting and putting in new carpet in the hallway and on the stairs.

I am so sick of doing this. I can scream ahhhhhhh. But once I get it all put back together and decorated I know I will love it. It is just getting to that point that it is going to drive me crazy. So here are the finished pictures. Any decorating advice would be greatly appreciated even you blurkers out thier. I am struggling with that.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


That is what I grew up hearing. When ever I would ask grandma why she would clean her windows when she new it was supposed to storm? The same answer I always got was ITS A DIFFERENT DIRT.

So yesterday I started out cleaning my windows and screens. Well I got busy and didn't get all the windows done. So I finished them today. I know I know it is what I get for cleaning my windows on Sunday. Well wouldn't you know it it started to rain on my beautiful clean windows. I almost laughed out loud. I just thought thanks Grandma "ITS A DIFFERENT DIRT." So I will wash them in about a week or two.

It will be a different dirt.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Painting Still

Now don't say I didn't warn you before you see these pictures. They are scary but I thought you all could use a laugh. So laugh away my friends laugh away.

Scroll down carefully. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Don't I look like I am having the time of my life. This was our last night painting and I was so tired.

A close up just for those of you who don't see me on a regular basis. Don't want you to forget what I look like. (Adri this ones for you. You can see I finally found my teeth and have them in.)

What lively bunch we are. I think we are so burned out by this point we are just standing their looking at it like we have more to do.

The ever enthustatic Gene. Wondering why he lets his wife talk him into these things.

I know you are wondering where I got the lovely head piece? Well it was my moms from the days when you had to wear curlers in you hair. Like the old ladies used to wear out in public and you would laugh at them. Well it keeps the paint out of my hair,well worth it in my opinion.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

note to self

OK so here is my note for today.


If their is lots more errors in this post that usual please excuse me. So when Gene went to buy the stuff to paint with he bought the cheapest masking tape their was. Well putting in on the walls was fine till we finally made a dent in our painting and I was able to start to pull some of it of. Well after about the 1st door frame my fingers where killing me. The tape was so sticky it was so hard to get it to come loose. I know have cracks in both my thumbs. One thumb has 2 cracks. Cracks on two other fingers as well. So when I went to bed I put bandages on them. Hopefully they will start to heal they hurt.

A little side note on the painting front. We got the hallway done and living room and most of the kitchen. So tomorrow it is just the part of the kitchen around the cupboards so hopefully it will be done tomorrow. Then I will post pictures of the finished project.

what a mess

So some of you want to see pictures of the mess I am living in. Well I debated to show you or not but oh well here it goes. This is a huge can of worms that Gene and I opened up. Cause not only do we have to paint the living room. All my walls touch and have rounded corners so they all flow into each other. We are painting the living room, upstairs hallway and my kitchen. Don't get me wrong I am liking the outcome so far just hate feeling like I should be doing laundry, making dinner, helping paint, and everything else all at the same time. AHHHHHHHH that is what I feel like. Oh well it is short term right I can do this. I know I can. I figure if I tell mself that enough I will start to believe it. So my theory goes. I will let you know how that works out.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What I did today

1- I got my kids of to school

2- I VOTED (did you)

3- Bought life insurance policy

4- Tied a quilt for my friend

5- Got James to and from swimming

6- Decided to paint my living room

7- Sent Gene to the store to buy paint

8- Scrubbed my walls so I could paint

9- Started to paint

10- Pulled up carpet and tack strip

11- Made cereal for dinner for my kids

12- Still painting

13- Gave James a haircut

14- Snuggled with James

15- Ate Graham crackers and milk with James

16- Snuggled once again with James

17- Still painted

18- started to clean up for the night

19- Told my kids I loved them and thanks for their help tonight

20- Watched the news and saw the election results.



Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pheasant Hunt

Every year my family always gets together to Pheasant Hunt. Well let me rephrase that. The men go hunting the women stay home and get breakfast ready so when they are done hunting they can have some warm yummy food. This has been a tradition for as long as I can remember. So this year in honor of my grandma we did it again this year at my sister's house. I didn't get to take pictures of any of the pheasants they shot. (thier where some I hear.)
This is where I have to give credit to my grandma. Every year she would get breakfast going. Then as the hunters would come in with thier birds she would be on the carport with her knife and newspaper ready to gut and skin the birds. Then she would take them into the house where she would clean them and keep the hearts and gizzards. (what is a gizzard?) Well this year when the men came home for breakfast. We the women heard we got 4 birds who's cleaning them. To that they all got the look. Luckily they where just kidding but we didn't really think they where that funny.
I only got pictues of the food but in true grandma whiting style that is what she would have been most proud of was feeding the hunters. So here you go the pictures of food.

All the ladies taking it easy before the men come in.

Happy Halloween

So I am a day late and a dollar short. But right know who isn't right.
Well here are my Halloween pictures. We had a good time. I say every year that I am not going to take my kids to downtown Springville for their trick or treating. And every year I some how end up on main street trick or treating with my kids.
For those of you who don't know about this let me just say DON'T GO!!!!! It is seriously 4 blocks of people to the point of where you almost can't move. All for just a stupid tootsie roll.

Well it was actually fun. I am not sure if I finally matured enough to enjoy Halloween or what. The crowds where worse than ever but for some reason I didn't get all bugged. I just took it with a grain of salt. Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy.

Jesse as Baloo. He was so cute. Everyone loved it. I got so many compliments on it. Here is a hint. Disney online right now. I bought it last year for like $10 it was awesome.

This is Kelty and her friend Caitlyn. This is at our ward Halloween party. Kelty was a 50's girl. She loved it.

James was the gate keeper. I am not sure what the gate keeper goes to but he loved it. He had a mask but the poor kid has such a big head it hurt to wear it. So for most of the night he didn't wear it.

Where do I start

So I guess this is what I get for leaving my kids home, while I run to the mall today with my sister. Yes that is gum. And this is just a bad shot of Jesse. But to get the full impact I thought you needed to see it all. So needless to say Jesse and I had a "SPA DAY." That is what I had to tell him to sit there for this picture.
Now I ask you who doesn't need a little peanut butter in their hair. Give it that extra shine right? Well he was a good sport and laid their for all of this.
Needless to say we had to do minimal cutting of his hair. I was just thinking good thing he is a boy and can have a bicked head for church tomorrow.
So for those of you who have read my other posts, I am taking this as a sign. I should not go shopping anymore. I forgot to take a picture of the final result but it is not that bad. I actually did not even have to take him to get it cut. Man what a day.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Picture this

OK since I am the only one at my house. I am asking that you use your imaginations today with this post.

Today as I was laying by Jesse trying to get him to sleep. I put his arms around me and says snuggle mommy. So I go to wrap my arms around him and he says no mom I snuggle you. So here I am laying on his bed with my head on his chest with both his arms around my neck holding me so tight. Oh how I wish I could have had a video camera to capture this. To me it is to precious. Every time I tried to put my arm around him and snuggle to him he would get mad and say no mom I snuggle you.

OK let me just add to this. I have been having a really bad day. Just one of those days where I cry over the stupid things. But the big things I just look at and go whatever. I know I tell you my emotions are way screwed up right know. Anyway isn't it funny how when we need it most the little 2 year old in my life gives me the biggest boost. "I snuggle you mommy." Just some simple little words. I am sure he thought he was playing but oh how it can change your life.

I love my little Jesse so much. I am trying to remember he is my last and document all these little miracles that come into my life so simple but yet so huge right then.

So I hope I painted this picture well enough for you. Like I said I wish I had a video camera set up so you all could see how cute and innocent he is.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun night out.

This is my recipe for a fun night out. Ready get your pens and pencils ready.

Good Food. Olive Garden check

Good Friends

Jon and Cristy Bird

Troy and Tracy Rohrer
Me, Gene pretending not to know me.
So good friends Check
Good Conversation- Well that is questionable
Take all of these and mix them together and you have my recipe for a wonderful night out to be had by all.
Enjoy! P.S. this is my very favorite recipe that I have made in a long time.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

HSM Baby!!!!!!!

Tracy and Reagan Thumbs up all the way.
Me and James Yeah baby.

James such a good sport all these girls, what's a boy to do??

Jesse and Reagan. We have our popcorn and drinks what else do we need?

Kelty, Makell and Krista. So excited to be at HSM 3.

Okay so I am the lame one and didn't even realize that it was HSM 3 this weekend. Thankfully I have friends who keep me in line.
Earlier this week my best friend from Roosevelt called and said "Its HSM 3 this weekend I will come out lets take the girls and go." Okay sounds like a plan. Don't get me wrong I liked the other ones I had heard it was coming on the big screen I thought I would take my kids just hadn't paid attention to when it was coming.

So Tracy came out I got tickets and away we went.

I loved it!!!! Once you get passed the sappy cheesey part. It is a really good show. I am not ashamed to admit it but I cried during it. I know my emotions are crazy lately. I don't cry at movies when the whole audience is crying but I cry at HSM go figure!!!!

It was a really good show it was so much fun the kids had a blast. James was a little bummed that his friend Easton didn't come but he got over it.

My plug for HSM. Go and see it. It kinda reminded me a little bit of footloose so I think if you liked footloose you will like it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Did I say I was done?????????

So I looked out my window and what did I see? My neighbor making applesauce. Well you may ask how that applies to me? Well I will tell you. So I went over to talk to her. Long story short. I ended up spending my morning over their helping her. Well heavens if she can make applesauce then I can right?

Side note here. My Grandma Whiting always had apple trees and always made applesauce for us. This especially came in useful when I had babies. Never had to by the store bought kind cause she always had some for me.

Well me being me(some of you say nay I laugh). Never really had a desire to learn how to make it. I figure I tried to learn everything else that she had to teach me. So I never learned how to make her famous applesauce. Okay back to the original story.

So after I helped my neighbor this morning I called my mom.

ME: Are their any more apples on grandmas trees?

MOM: No Ila and I picked them all. Ila is making applesauce today and we gave the bad ones to the sheep.

ME: Do you think uncle Morrie has any left?

MOM: I am sure call him.

So what do I do. I call my uncle Morrie. He says I can have whatever is in the orchard. (did we read the other posts about my grandpa and the orchard).

So I proceed to call my mom back. Somehow talk her into going to pick apples with me. We pick them and I go to her house to pick up a pan. Go down to her storage room and see the amazing apple pie filling that she makes. Somehow I get it into my head that I need to do apple pie filling to. So I manage to talk my mom into helping me tomorrow to not only do applesauce but also pie filling. Some how I wonder why I do this to myself.. Then I see the finished project and think wow I did that. So my mom called and said lets do the pie filling tonight its not hard. So that is what we do tonight.

I have to give a big shout out to Grandma Na and Papa Ray. (gene's grandparents.) I called to see if they have a juicer thingy thing that separates the bad from the good stuff. Well not only do they have that but they have think apple peeler slicer thing. It was freaking awesome Love it.

So instead of the original 7 quarts of Pie filling I was doing tonight I ended up doing 14 quarts. Then we are doing applesauce tomorrow.

Moral to my story. I am going to stop looking out my window it only gets me in trouble.

This is my mom and I bottling the Pie filling. She really must love me cause when I get these crazy ideas in my head somehow I always rope her into helping me. True motherly love their.


Okay after a long 6 weeks I finally got my new ring. I love it!!!! At the same time I am sad. It is not the same one that Gene and I in our love sick/poor getting married phase. I just went and picked this one out by myself. It was fine. I am just sad that it is not the same one. So mixed emotions for me today. I mean really girls out thier. Who wouldn't want a new diamond ring. But at the same time have your orginal one you where married with.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've been tagged

My favorite number tag
Pick your favorite number and then give that many answers to the following questions.

My favorite number is 3

3 of my favorite TV show
2. Two and half men
3. Jon and Kate plus 8

3 things that happened yesterday
1. Had a Colonscopy
2.Got a bad headache
3. Went to a PTA meeting

3 of my favorite places to eat
3. Ruby River

3 things I am looking forward to
1.Sleeping in.
2.Fri night
3. A good nights sleep

5 things on my wish list
1. Pay my house of.
2. Getting a shed for all our crap to get it out my garage
3.A new trailer

3 People I tag?
1. Beth
2. Kami
3. Kara (let's see if she gets the hint)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ok so here it goes this week's what I am grateful for.

1- My Husband. He is so willing to help I don't feel good.

2- Take out. So I can try to keep my kitchen cleaned longer than 10 mins

3- Homework. So my kids can continue to grow and learn.

4- My bed. I love to sleep and I have a comfortable bed.

5- Mowing the lawn. Cause that means I am healthy and can mow.

I know its a short list but this week I am just grateful to be here.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Everyone meet YO-YO

We have a new member of our family. Everyone meet YO-YO!!!! This is Jesse new name for himself. It cracks me up. If you say Jesse come here. He just looks at you kinda weird. But if you say YO-YO come here he does. He won't go by Jesse anymore. He just looks at me and says "mom I not Jesse I YO-YO." So we have a new member of our family. Just thought I would introduce you all to YO-YO.
YO-YO a.k.a Jesse

Saturday, October 11, 2008

De Ja Voo!!!!!!

Wasn't I just here doing this same thing? Okay so that everyone knows what I am talking about. I went to my moms on Fri. just to visit. Let's just say I didn"t come home empty handed. I came home with 1/2 bushel tomatos, onions, peppers, hot peppers, and garlic. Needless to say I brought all the stuff home to do salsa yet again. I am giving this batch to my Uncle Morrie. He is a bus driver for Nebo and I went on a field trip with Kelty. While I was talking to him he said that Sharon doesn't do salsa any more. Well my wheels where working and I thought dang it cause my moms tomoatos are gone, or so I thought. So I went and got some bottles from my grandma's and made salsa this morning. I swear though, the rest of the tomatos can go to the sheep. I am really done this time.

For those keeping count I have now help or done 14 batches of salsa this year. Not to mention all the tomatos I helped my mom put up.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So instead of flashback Fridays. I am doing wonderful Wednesday's. So here is my Wonderful list. I am only going to do 5 a week so I can explain them all. These are the first five that I am grateful for. They are listed in no particular order.


The laundry for piling up. Cause that means I have enough clothes to wear.

The Internet so I can talk and see all you fabulous people out their. With little glimpses into your life's and you can get glimpses into my life as well.

The smile of my children's faces. Cause then I know they are happy and taken care of.


Babysitting, cause then I know I have friends who like me and most importantly trust me with their kids.

kids that are fighting. Cause I have ears that work, I have even more to teach my kids about sharing.

Most of these post will probably be what I am doing at the moment when I write these. So take a guess at what I am doing right know?
This does help me keep things in perspective so I can be grateful for the little things in life. I hope this does the same for you to. To basically take time to smell the rose's. I know I hardly ever do that.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What will kids say next

Okay so this little girl is my neighbors/cousin daughter. She was playing at my house with James. I ran to her house for something they where just leaving to go to her brothers football games. I said just leave her with me and let her play.

So I got home I told her that she could stay and play with James. Do you wanna know what she said to me. "Oh good cause I told my mom that I could just stay with you i don't like going to the football games." Okay so maybe its not quite as cute as she said it.

Then it got me to thinking. (I know scary thought.) I am so grateful for my life. I made dinner they ate then went outside to play. I was cleaning up dinner and watching out my window. I realized how lucky I am. So i decdided to write a grateful list here it goes.

Dishes, cause it means I paid the water bill and I have running water.

Dinner, cause then that means I have plenty to eat.

Staying at home with my kids, that means that my husband works hard so I can stay home.

My husband, he is the reason I can stay home with my kids.

House, I can stay warm/cool when needed and out of the weather.

most importanly I am grateful for the Gospel. Cause it teaches me that I can be an eternal family and can see my loved ones that have passed on before me again. I love that it teaches service in the gospel to. That way I can use it to show my kids how service works and why it is necessary to do service.

Okay so my list is not that long but I am really grateful for a lot of things. maybe I will start doing a grateful Wednesday blog. Let's face it we all need a little something to help get us over the bump till Fri.


So this morning when I went to get my daily Diet Dr. Pepper at Charlies. I for once decided to go in the store and get my own. I know shocker huh!! I didn't use the drive up window. Anyway as I was walking in I saw a poster for Make a Wish. I forgot that every year Springville High School puts together a fundraiser for Make a Wish. So I am Just adding my little plug. If you read this and are in the Springville area next Mon the 13 of October Go to SHS and support the Make a wish.
This has become close to my heart since I had a neice with an actual wish granted. So please come and hang out and if not donate. If you know me get me the money and I will donate it for you. Thanks guys once you have had to use this service you will realize how important it really is. Although I am hoping that you never have to use it at the same time.
Thanks and heres to hoping all your wishes can come true.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Canning Its done yeah

Okay so I got to thinking today. I realized I (that would be yours truly) have helped peel tomatoes for over 13 batches of Salsa that would be 6 1/2 bushels for those of you who may want to count. No wonder my fingers are turning red. I help with that many. I only did two batches of salsa for my self. I must either be really nuts or really giving. I am voting for the nuts one what about you? So during conference today, while Gene was actually home to help me. I bottled 100 quarts of grape juice. I did have conference on and listening to it the whole time. So then I thought I can't not show you a picture of my storage room while I am bragging about all my canning successes this year.

I don't think we are going hungry this winter do you?

I would be really ungrateful if I didn't mention at this time how thankful I am for two wonderful ladies in my life who taught me the importance of canning. One is my Grandma Whiting, who passed away a month ago today. She was a huge faith builder in me and the joys of walking into the storage room in the winter and looking at all the fruit and veggies that I did and smiling cause I know I won't go hunger during winter. She always told me how happy it made her that all her granddaughters caught the canning spirit from her. Thanks grandma.

The other lady I have to thank is my mom. Without her to push me a little bit and kinda make me feel guilty if I don't do the canning. She is always asking me like the tomatoes are on when do you want to do your salsa. Or we are going to pick the pears how many do you want. Or the grapes are ready I will come and help you pick them when do you want to do that. Are we seeing a pattern here? I am really thankful that she does push me though cause she knows I would just as soon have a nap than can. I really feel good when it's done and the mess is cleaned up. I also have to say I am really blessed that most of the fruit that I do can I get for free. So that makes it even cheaper. My grandpa Warren had the insight to plant a big orchard. He probably planted this orchard over 75 years ago and we are still reaping the benefits from it. Now that is something to be proud of. Granted they have probably had to replace the trees here and thier but still can you imagine.
Yes I do all my water bath canning in my garage with the camp chef stove. It heats the water so much faster and the mess is so easy to clean up. YOu take the hose a squirt it down. I love that part. Thanks for letting me ramble I just wanted to toot my own horn for a little bit sorry, I will go back to trying to be humble. (okay who are we kidding I have never been humble).

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