Thursday, January 20, 2011

That’s bad

We got hit with a huge winter storm on Dec 22 2010. I mean huge as in they closed schools. We live in Utah people we don’t close schools for just any snow storm. Heck I remember one year having my brother take me to school on the tractor. True story my friends. So when they closed this year it is was really its just a snow storm. It defiantly left its mark on us though.


exhibit A


Exhibit B

That’s good. This is the good part of the story. The trailer cover collapsed. We made an insurance claim and got this awesome shed. So nice, so I guess something good comes out of all that snow.


I am way excited to start moving crap out of my garage and down to the storage part of the shed. Yea Me. I get my garage back. The only down fall is now we have to pour a ton of concrete. Oh well small price to pay for a new and improved shed. I will take it.



That’s Bad, that’s good you decide. I will go for good. Oh yeah it only broke the air conditioner cover on my trailer. That’s even better. No real damage to my trailer yea bring on camping season.

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