Saturday, July 25, 2009

Its tuff being 3 at out house.

This is what happens when you play hard. Gotta love being a 3 year old.Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So I know these pictures dont do the food justice but this is how we eat when we camp. We seriously had so much food. We had to use the back of Gene's truck, a huge grill, and still another dutch oven stand. Holy food.

Nice jeremy way to ruin a picture.

Two grills to get all the meat cooked. Holy meat.
Kelty with her favorite aunt Teresa.
We had such a blast camping. I love camping with Great friends and family.
So much fun.
The other part of the story about the snakes I wasnt going to tell cause I didn;t want to hurt someone(kami's) feelings but since she brought it up on my comments I guess I will tell you the rest.
The day after all the hiking and freaking snakes. I was starting to calm down. Just sitting in camp talking to everyone.
Important detail to the story. Last year Gene and his cousin Chris thought It would be funny to put a rubber snake around the toilet in Joel and Brenda's trail. Remember that Brenda only likes snakes a teeny tiny more than I do. When she saw the snake she didnt freak out just made Joel take it and put it away.
Well back to my story. Since we had such a terrible time with snakes on the hike Kami thought she would be funny and sneak up to me with above said snake and sneak it over my shoulder to scare me.
Well not only did it scare my it sent me into a full blown panic attacks. Now I have medicine to take but since I usually don't have panic attacks camping cause I figure I am on snakes territory camping. So I don't bring my medicine with me camping.
Well when she put it from the side of me into my face I lost it. Cried yelled screamed and ran.
Kami felt really sorry for doing it, luckly I did have some benadryl and that kinda calmed me down a little bit.
The good news is here is that I controlled my breathing and got myself calmed down with a little help from Kami.
Anyways when Gene got back to camp I had calmed down and all was well, the rest of the camping trip was great. No problems. So any way here are just a few more pictures. Such a fun time. Posted by Picasa

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

More to the story

So when we finally get in the truck and of that stupid mountain. I turn to Gene and say "that was a bust." He says no way that was awesome. How can it be a bust. We had a great hike no one got hurt, the kids didn't complain to much. It was fine we need to do things like this more often.

I seriously look at him at like you have got to be kidding me. All the things he just told me are true, but I am like I am not hiking anywhere anymore. I can't handle any more snakes.

Ok so maybe I will have to try another hike just not to the hot pots again. That one is for sure out.

So as you saw in some of the pictures I took my neice Camden with us. So when her mom and grandma get to camp we have to tell the whole story. They are like sweet we like snakes, we aren't afraid of naked people.

So they go the next day on the same hike we went on. They saw NOT ONE snake and NOT ONE naked man. They where seriously bummed. I was furious I was like are you kidding me, not one snake. I even told them what tree to look under and everything. Nope not a one.

I think they were disappointed though what way I can't say. No naked man or no snakes.

Anyway onto the rest of the weekend. It calmed down from here. On Sat., Gene's parents brought his grandparents up to hang out and have dinner with us. Well one thing led to another and it ended up with someone doing some sweet talking to Papa Ray. Next thing you know away he went on a 4-wheeler, he was driving his own machine. So fun, they went to the top of Strawberry Ridge. About a 20 mile ride from our camp each way. Not bad for an 86 year old.

Then when they got back from the ride, grandpa just went crusing by camp. When he realized it he started laughing saying I was having so much fun I didnt even see camp.

Then it was on to dinner time. For any of those who know us no that camping and food is like a gourmet thing. Oh my gosh we had so much food. So good, and such fun memories. I am glad that my inlaws and grandparents in laws could come up with us to spend such a wonderful day. Espically for the memories that my kids have from them coming up.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

GOOD or BAD you decide

So for the 4th of July this year we went camping. (I know most of you are suprised, we went camping.)

We went up to Springville Crossing's. Somewhere up between Diamond Fork and Springville.

Since we got up early Fri morning and went up. I know early for me is like 8 but I did it. We got up to the campground and set up everything. Then I had a brilliant idea. Let's hike to the Utah's valley's famous hot pots........

These are known for the gay and lesbian hang out. I know I am telling you brillant idea right?

Well I was thinking that if we went up early in the day we wouldn't see any naked people or gay and lesbians hanging out. Well 2 out of 3 isnt bad right.

No gay and lesbians just one naked man. Who was kind enough to "tuck it" when we went by.

This is the beginning of the trip when the kids still liked me. Yes we have an extra its Camden Jake and Teresa's little girl.

Right as we where leaving the camp to go hike. They really liked me here.

Kelty trying to stick her head out of the water fall. It was to cold for her. But she did more than me so hey she is one trooper of a kid.

Since we where camping with Joel and Brenda. Gene's aunt and uncle we made them go on the hike with us.
For the record they didn't really like me at this point. We are at the hot pots.
Gene and James soaking thier feet in the stream when we got back from the hike. It is about 3miles give or take each way.

Joel back at camp trying to decide if he likes me anymore.

So here is the bad part of the story. Sorry no pictures to go with this part of the story.
On the way up we passed a family and James is ahead talking to a kid. Pretty soon I hear him yell something cant tell what it is. I mumble my response and keep going. Then the kid James was talking to passes me. I scream and yell for Gene who is about 20 yards away from me. The kid that James is talking to has a freaking snake wrapped around his arms. I panic turn my head and the kid and his mom and dad make him hurry down the hill and get it away from me. Nice parents.
I am like ok we saw our one snake we are good. Just to be sure I make Gene go ahead of me and Joel goes behind the group. See my logic protector in front and one in back. Pretty soon Gene says stay where you are. I do but James goes up to see what is going on. The stupid thing hisses at Gene and scares James. So Joel goes up to see if he can help Gene out. Next thing I know is I see Joel flick a snake into the river. So I am like ok we are good. Oh no Gene is like stay thier. Pretty soon another one goes flying into the river. Its safe you can come up know.

So we pass the snake area. We get to the hot pots and start playing and having fun. Just for the record we are up to 3 snakes in like 10 min on the trip.
Pretty soon Joel says to brenda lets go sit over their in the shade. He walks through the water and comes right back never mind he says.
Another snake but this one is dead but this is the girl who doesnt care if its dead or not.
So 4 is the total. I get Jesse and Cam playing in the warmer water and go take pictures of kelty and Gene. Joel and brenda are watching the little kids.
Pretty soon Brenda sees Joel get up just slow like no big deal picks up a stick and flicks another one down the river.
5 is know the total. By this time Brenda and I are trying to grab the kids and get them out of here we are done. Just one snake to many. So as I am trying to get the kids dressed and shoes on and stuff. James again says mom don't look, seriously why do they tell me that. So I look. Not 10 feet from is another stupid snake. I am freaking out. Just get me of this stupid mountain what a dumb idea this was.
Some girl hears me scream comes and picks up the snake and moves it down the trail. The trail mind you is right where I have to walk. I am like oh my gosh.
So again I pull out my protectors Gene in front Joel in back. We get passed this snake and head down. So the count is 6 snakes.
We get about half way down and Gene says stop. @^%&$@^(@*$*#$&($(*$^($^($&0.
You can only wonder what came out of my mouth at this point. This time though it was just a water snake and only like 6inches long. I dont care if it was as long as a nite crawler I HATE SNAKES. No matter how big or small they are.

So Here I am trying to create fun memories for my family and do something besides ride 4 wheelers and all I proceeding in doing is now terrifing my 3 kids of snakes and my poor neice.

Thier is more to this story but I will have to add it later since I have already writtten about the first 4 chapter of a book.

In this picture is David Cope, Ray Cope, Gene Cope, Kelty Cope. How many people can say thier 86 year old grandpa rode a 4-wheeler on a 20 mile ride.

If you make it this far in my writing. This is one awesome picture. It is a 4 generation Picture on top of Strawberry ridge.
Grandma Na, Papa Ray, David and Janet rode up to our camp on sat and they talked grandpa into going on a ride.

Gene sticking his head out from behind the waterfall. He said it is awesome. I am a wuss. I like the heated water of 7peaks. Or the hot water at the hot pots.

Kelty and Cam in some of the colder water up thier. Trying to be brave and get in the cold water.

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