Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Picture this

OK since I am the only one at my house. I am asking that you use your imaginations today with this post.

Today as I was laying by Jesse trying to get him to sleep. I put his arms around me and says snuggle mommy. So I go to wrap my arms around him and he says no mom I snuggle you. So here I am laying on his bed with my head on his chest with both his arms around my neck holding me so tight. Oh how I wish I could have had a video camera to capture this. To me it is to precious. Every time I tried to put my arm around him and snuggle to him he would get mad and say no mom I snuggle you.

OK let me just add to this. I have been having a really bad day. Just one of those days where I cry over the stupid things. But the big things I just look at and go whatever. I know I tell you my emotions are way screwed up right know. Anyway isn't it funny how when we need it most the little 2 year old in my life gives me the biggest boost. "I snuggle you mommy." Just some simple little words. I am sure he thought he was playing but oh how it can change your life.

I love my little Jesse so much. I am trying to remember he is my last and document all these little miracles that come into my life so simple but yet so huge right then.

So I hope I painted this picture well enough for you. Like I said I wish I had a video camera set up so you all could see how cute and innocent he is.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun night out.

This is my recipe for a fun night out. Ready get your pens and pencils ready.

Good Food. Olive Garden check

Good Friends

Jon and Cristy Bird

Troy and Tracy Rohrer
Me, Gene pretending not to know me.
So good friends Check
Good Conversation- Well that is questionable
Take all of these and mix them together and you have my recipe for a wonderful night out to be had by all.
Enjoy! P.S. this is my very favorite recipe that I have made in a long time.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

HSM Baby!!!!!!!

Tracy and Reagan Thumbs up all the way.
Me and James Yeah baby.

James such a good sport all these girls, what's a boy to do??

Jesse and Reagan. We have our popcorn and drinks what else do we need?

Kelty, Makell and Krista. So excited to be at HSM 3.

Okay so I am the lame one and didn't even realize that it was HSM 3 this weekend. Thankfully I have friends who keep me in line.
Earlier this week my best friend from Roosevelt called and said "Its HSM 3 this weekend I will come out lets take the girls and go." Okay sounds like a plan. Don't get me wrong I liked the other ones I had heard it was coming on the big screen I thought I would take my kids just hadn't paid attention to when it was coming.

So Tracy came out I got tickets and away we went.

I loved it!!!! Once you get passed the sappy cheesey part. It is a really good show. I am not ashamed to admit it but I cried during it. I know my emotions are crazy lately. I don't cry at movies when the whole audience is crying but I cry at HSM go figure!!!!

It was a really good show it was so much fun the kids had a blast. James was a little bummed that his friend Easton didn't come but he got over it.

My plug for HSM. Go and see it. It kinda reminded me a little bit of footloose so I think if you liked footloose you will like it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Did I say I was done?????????

So I looked out my window and what did I see? My neighbor making applesauce. Well you may ask how that applies to me? Well I will tell you. So I went over to talk to her. Long story short. I ended up spending my morning over their helping her. Well heavens if she can make applesauce then I can right?

Side note here. My Grandma Whiting always had apple trees and always made applesauce for us. This especially came in useful when I had babies. Never had to by the store bought kind cause she always had some for me.

Well me being me(some of you say nay I laugh). Never really had a desire to learn how to make it. I figure I tried to learn everything else that she had to teach me. So I never learned how to make her famous applesauce. Okay back to the original story.

So after I helped my neighbor this morning I called my mom.

ME: Are their any more apples on grandmas trees?

MOM: No Ila and I picked them all. Ila is making applesauce today and we gave the bad ones to the sheep.

ME: Do you think uncle Morrie has any left?

MOM: I am sure call him.

So what do I do. I call my uncle Morrie. He says I can have whatever is in the orchard. (did we read the other posts about my grandpa and the orchard).

So I proceed to call my mom back. Somehow talk her into going to pick apples with me. We pick them and I go to her house to pick up a pan. Go down to her storage room and see the amazing apple pie filling that she makes. Somehow I get it into my head that I need to do apple pie filling to. So I manage to talk my mom into helping me tomorrow to not only do applesauce but also pie filling. Some how I wonder why I do this to myself.. Then I see the finished project and think wow I did that. So my mom called and said lets do the pie filling tonight its not hard. So that is what we do tonight.

I have to give a big shout out to Grandma Na and Papa Ray. (gene's grandparents.) I called to see if they have a juicer thingy thing that separates the bad from the good stuff. Well not only do they have that but they have think apple peeler slicer thing. It was freaking awesome Love it.

So instead of the original 7 quarts of Pie filling I was doing tonight I ended up doing 14 quarts. Then we are doing applesauce tomorrow.

Moral to my story. I am going to stop looking out my window it only gets me in trouble.

This is my mom and I bottling the Pie filling. She really must love me cause when I get these crazy ideas in my head somehow I always rope her into helping me. True motherly love their.


Okay after a long 6 weeks I finally got my new ring. I love it!!!! At the same time I am sad. It is not the same one that Gene and I in our love sick/poor getting married phase. I just went and picked this one out by myself. It was fine. I am just sad that it is not the same one. So mixed emotions for me today. I mean really girls out thier. Who wouldn't want a new diamond ring. But at the same time have your orginal one you where married with.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I've been tagged

My favorite number tag
Pick your favorite number and then give that many answers to the following questions.

My favorite number is 3

3 of my favorite TV show
2. Two and half men
3. Jon and Kate plus 8

3 things that happened yesterday
1. Had a Colonscopy
2.Got a bad headache
3. Went to a PTA meeting

3 of my favorite places to eat
3. Ruby River

3 things I am looking forward to
1.Sleeping in.
2.Fri night
3. A good nights sleep

5 things on my wish list
1. Pay my house of.
2. Getting a shed for all our crap to get it out my garage
3.A new trailer

3 People I tag?
1. Beth
2. Kami
3. Kara (let's see if she gets the hint)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Ok so here it goes this week's what I am grateful for.

1- My Husband. He is so willing to help I don't feel good.

2- Take out. So I can try to keep my kitchen cleaned longer than 10 mins

3- Homework. So my kids can continue to grow and learn.

4- My bed. I love to sleep and I have a comfortable bed.

5- Mowing the lawn. Cause that means I am healthy and can mow.

I know its a short list but this week I am just grateful to be here.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Everyone meet YO-YO

We have a new member of our family. Everyone meet YO-YO!!!! This is Jesse new name for himself. It cracks me up. If you say Jesse come here. He just looks at you kinda weird. But if you say YO-YO come here he does. He won't go by Jesse anymore. He just looks at me and says "mom I not Jesse I YO-YO." So we have a new member of our family. Just thought I would introduce you all to YO-YO.
YO-YO a.k.a Jesse

Saturday, October 11, 2008

De Ja Voo!!!!!!

Wasn't I just here doing this same thing? Okay so that everyone knows what I am talking about. I went to my moms on Fri. just to visit. Let's just say I didn"t come home empty handed. I came home with 1/2 bushel tomatos, onions, peppers, hot peppers, and garlic. Needless to say I brought all the stuff home to do salsa yet again. I am giving this batch to my Uncle Morrie. He is a bus driver for Nebo and I went on a field trip with Kelty. While I was talking to him he said that Sharon doesn't do salsa any more. Well my wheels where working and I thought dang it cause my moms tomoatos are gone, or so I thought. So I went and got some bottles from my grandma's and made salsa this morning. I swear though, the rest of the tomatos can go to the sheep. I am really done this time.

For those keeping count I have now help or done 14 batches of salsa this year. Not to mention all the tomatos I helped my mom put up.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


So instead of flashback Fridays. I am doing wonderful Wednesday's. So here is my Wonderful list. I am only going to do 5 a week so I can explain them all. These are the first five that I am grateful for. They are listed in no particular order.


The laundry for piling up. Cause that means I have enough clothes to wear.

The Internet so I can talk and see all you fabulous people out their. With little glimpses into your life's and you can get glimpses into my life as well.

The smile of my children's faces. Cause then I know they are happy and taken care of.


Babysitting, cause then I know I have friends who like me and most importantly trust me with their kids.

kids that are fighting. Cause I have ears that work, I have even more to teach my kids about sharing.

Most of these post will probably be what I am doing at the moment when I write these. So take a guess at what I am doing right know?
This does help me keep things in perspective so I can be grateful for the little things in life. I hope this does the same for you to. To basically take time to smell the rose's. I know I hardly ever do that.


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What will kids say next

Okay so this little girl is my neighbors/cousin daughter. She was playing at my house with James. I ran to her house for something they where just leaving to go to her brothers football games. I said just leave her with me and let her play.

So I got home I told her that she could stay and play with James. Do you wanna know what she said to me. "Oh good cause I told my mom that I could just stay with you i don't like going to the football games." Okay so maybe its not quite as cute as she said it.

Then it got me to thinking. (I know scary thought.) I am so grateful for my life. I made dinner they ate then went outside to play. I was cleaning up dinner and watching out my window. I realized how lucky I am. So i decdided to write a grateful list here it goes.

Dishes, cause it means I paid the water bill and I have running water.

Dinner, cause then that means I have plenty to eat.

Staying at home with my kids, that means that my husband works hard so I can stay home.

My husband, he is the reason I can stay home with my kids.

House, I can stay warm/cool when needed and out of the weather.

most importanly I am grateful for the Gospel. Cause it teaches me that I can be an eternal family and can see my loved ones that have passed on before me again. I love that it teaches service in the gospel to. That way I can use it to show my kids how service works and why it is necessary to do service.

Okay so my list is not that long but I am really grateful for a lot of things. maybe I will start doing a grateful Wednesday blog. Let's face it we all need a little something to help get us over the bump till Fri.


So this morning when I went to get my daily Diet Dr. Pepper at Charlies. I for once decided to go in the store and get my own. I know shocker huh!! I didn't use the drive up window. Anyway as I was walking in I saw a poster for Make a Wish. I forgot that every year Springville High School puts together a fundraiser for Make a Wish. So I am Just adding my little plug. If you read this and are in the Springville area next Mon the 13 of October Go to SHS and support the Make a wish.
This has become close to my heart since I had a neice with an actual wish granted. So please come and hang out and if not donate. If you know me get me the money and I will donate it for you. Thanks guys once you have had to use this service you will realize how important it really is. Although I am hoping that you never have to use it at the same time.
Thanks and heres to hoping all your wishes can come true.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Canning Its done yeah

Okay so I got to thinking today. I realized I (that would be yours truly) have helped peel tomatoes for over 13 batches of Salsa that would be 6 1/2 bushels for those of you who may want to count. No wonder my fingers are turning red. I help with that many. I only did two batches of salsa for my self. I must either be really nuts or really giving. I am voting for the nuts one what about you? So during conference today, while Gene was actually home to help me. I bottled 100 quarts of grape juice. I did have conference on and listening to it the whole time. So then I thought I can't not show you a picture of my storage room while I am bragging about all my canning successes this year.

I don't think we are going hungry this winter do you?

I would be really ungrateful if I didn't mention at this time how thankful I am for two wonderful ladies in my life who taught me the importance of canning. One is my Grandma Whiting, who passed away a month ago today. She was a huge faith builder in me and the joys of walking into the storage room in the winter and looking at all the fruit and veggies that I did and smiling cause I know I won't go hunger during winter. She always told me how happy it made her that all her granddaughters caught the canning spirit from her. Thanks grandma.

The other lady I have to thank is my mom. Without her to push me a little bit and kinda make me feel guilty if I don't do the canning. She is always asking me like the tomatoes are on when do you want to do your salsa. Or we are going to pick the pears how many do you want. Or the grapes are ready I will come and help you pick them when do you want to do that. Are we seeing a pattern here? I am really thankful that she does push me though cause she knows I would just as soon have a nap than can. I really feel good when it's done and the mess is cleaned up. I also have to say I am really blessed that most of the fruit that I do can I get for free. So that makes it even cheaper. My grandpa Warren had the insight to plant a big orchard. He probably planted this orchard over 75 years ago and we are still reaping the benefits from it. Now that is something to be proud of. Granted they have probably had to replace the trees here and thier but still can you imagine.
Yes I do all my water bath canning in my garage with the camp chef stove. It heats the water so much faster and the mess is so easy to clean up. YOu take the hose a squirt it down. I love that part. Thanks for letting me ramble I just wanted to toot my own horn for a little bit sorry, I will go back to trying to be humble. (okay who are we kidding I have never been humble).

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