Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Timp Caves

Let's get one thing straight. I have never said I was in great shape but I thought I was in ok shape. Well that is until you hike Timp Caves with a ton of 4th graders who go really fast, and this hill is like straight up and down. There is not even places where it levels out for a little bit and you can get a break.

This is probably a big no no. Putting your kid's friends on your blog. Oh well one of the kids is a good friend and the other is a cousin so I guess I will get away with it this time.

We made it up the Mountain. Holy cow I have never been so happy to see the end of a destination. This hike was hard. Yes I am a wimp, yes I was super sore for like 4 days. But I guess what matters most is the memories I made by being there with James.

Our little group. We just finished the tour and came out of the cave. The kids were fairly good and had a good time to.

We made it to the bottom. I was singing praises at this point cause I am not sure which is worse the going up the hill or the coming down. Either way I did it.

Yes I know it's sad that I have lived basically at the base of this mountain range for my whole life and never done this hike.
I for one would take Lehman Caves over Timp any day. Why you ask? Timp hike 1 1/2 mile straight uphill. Lehman drive in a vehicle 2-21/2 hours from Springville.Did you hear me I said drive as in like have a diet dr. pepper right next to me and treats. Pull up to the ranger station. Walk through the ranger station and straight into the cave. Yes I am lazy. I would much rather drive than walk. I know I know get of my lazy butt. Oh well to each there own I say.
I will say that in 5 years if they still do this trip I will be back up on that mountain with Jesse. Yes I am that kind of mom. Torture myself then plan on doing it again with the next kid to go through school.
When I talk about torture you have to know to that I rode the bus. I usually never ride the bus. I always drive myself. So that I have the freedom to stop whenever I need to and get a diet dr. Pepper. That is the kind of awesome mother I am. Always thinking about myself. This time I tried the bus. TORTURE, is all I can say. The bus driver scared the crap out of me to. That is saying alot considering my driving record.
Oh well no one fell of the mountain no one got hurt we all survived barely so I guess all in all it was a good time.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

James Got a new haircut

He's a true Cope.

After he was done showering he came down and said "Mom my hair fell out when I was showering."

Really James, do you have cancer that I am not aware of? Some medical condition we may have to start seeking treatment for?

So here is a word to the wise. Make sure that you watch out when you come to the Cope house wear a hat. Somehow we have a condition where you hair falls out just randomly.

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