Saturday, June 26, 2010


This is what Sat. Night looks like at the Cope house.

Our great dog Bandit. He is truly turning out to be the best dog ever.

James having fun playing with the dog. This is like an every minute activity around here. They love the dog.

Finally last but not least. To all you new parents out thier getting little to no sleep. Its all worth it for this very reason. They grow up and have to end up mowing your lawn while you sit on the front porch and watch. It's so worth it. Not while your going through it but now I am at the end of sleepless nights its very very worth it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

AAAHHHH the smell of new carpet.

I am so excited. I can't wait for tomorrow when the inspector comes and says we can actually move our stuff into the new rooms.
I am seriously so excited I just go and lay on the carpet and breath deep, is that weird? I love the smell of new carpet. Its just awesome I think I have found my drug of choice. New carpet smell. So if I find out any of my friends are getting new carpet and I find out about it watch out, I may just sneak in your house and take a really long sniff.

So happy let me tell you Gene and I are about done with doing this project. Quick update on the contractor last we heard is that he is improving well and hopefully will be home sometime next week. Yeah couldn't be happier for him. I am so glad that he is improving and doing so well.

This is only part of my new bedroom. As you can see in the picture I have already started moving some stuff into the new room. Couldn't help it just got way to excited about it.

If I don't see you this winter come and visit me this is where I will be. Sitting right there in front of my new fireplace. So happy about it.

Just another view of the basement. This is kitty corner to the fire place.
I am so excited about this. Tomorrow when we pass our final inspection we are
moving all our old ugly furniture into these nice new rooms.
We are buying new furniture just seriously have no time to get out and go and find something we like.
We are also getting new carpet in our old family room and old master bedroom. So happy have I said that?
I am way spoiled. I will have to take a picture of my new closet
when the tile guy is done and gets all his stuff out of it. That is the only
thing we really have left. Is just finishing the tile. I will take a picture as soon
as that is done.
As for after Friday when the final carpet gets laid don't expect to see Gene or I
We will be laying in our new rooms just vegging and enjoying the fruits of our labors.
We will also I am sure being seeing alot of the back of our eyelids as that seems to have
become a rare occurrence around here.

P.S. We are moving furniture on Thursday night anyone wanna come and help we will gladly take
any help. Hint Hint lets see if anyone really reads this thing.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Serious survival mode around here......

So the house remodel is coming along pretty good. I think, I am being a major slave driver just ask Gene. Well we almost have all the painting done. (largely in part to a good good friend, who accepts bribes.) Hopefully the painting is done tomorrow. Yeah, I am so happy. Here is a nutshell of what we are living in. Trust me when I say I am in major survival mode. Gene told me that I am set for carpet for Monday, the 14 of June yeah.

This is my bathroom. When I say survival let me point out the rag in the both the sink drain and toilet drain. Yes we are defiantly rednecks around here.

This is my new closet. I honestly can't wait. It is all painted and just ready for the carpet. The only part of my house that is ready for carpet.

This is looking from the old family room into the new family room. See most of the painting is done.

Looking from my old bedroom to my new bedroom.

Looking out at my new doors. Yes people that is the first layer of tile going down. I am learning real fast tile is a hurry and wait process.

I took a picture of my current bedroom don't know where it is oh well trust me when I say we are in survival mode around here.
The only thing that is getting me through is the fact that carpet is coming so soon.
A huge shout out to all our wonderful family and friends that have so graciously stepped up to help us. Thank you thank you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Its to quiet around here

While I was laying on my couch facebooking and blogstalking. (really is their anything better to do in the mornings?) I knew it was to quiet in my house. With my older 2 kids gone to swim team that just left me and Jesse home.
I should have known something was going on when it was so quiet in my house. We are talking hear the birds singing outside quiet. That kinda quiet doesn't usually happen around here.
All the sudden I hear Jesse yelling for me to come and find him. I am thinking great what has he done now?
I find him in his room all snug as a bug in bed. Ahh how cute is what I thought. When in reality I should have thought aww what now. This is what I found.

Isn't that cute all cuddled in a blanket and laying so cute.

Then he threw the blanket of him and showed me what he had done. Great I thought. How to get that of.

Then when I went to go to the bathroom and Jesse couldn't find me. He thankfully went into the unfinished part of our house and wrote on my bathroom wall. Seriously I thought we had taken all the markers out of this house.
Ummm apparently not.

It's just a good thing this will be painted someday soon. I hope or he would have got his butt whipped. Some days with this kid feels like I have 10 kids and not one. He is going to be the death of me.

So I guess moral of this story is when you think your house it to quiet, get of the stupid computer and figure out why.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorry No pictures

Ok so I have no pictures to post but thought I would at least update everyone on whats going on in our hectic lives.
To start of with the remodel is going as well as it can be. Considering that May 8th our contractor had a massive stroke. He is doing ok. No paralysis which is huge for a stroke but he is extremely week and having some memory problems. When he had the stroke he had our structure up and was about half way through the house wrap stage. The bottom windows where in but not the tip windows. So what do you do right? All I can say is its a good thing I am married to who I am. Luckily for us he was able to just jump right in and take over where he left us at.
So needless to say for the last month thier has been alot of stress at our house. So every night and weekend night we are doing something on the house usually until 11 or so at night.
Poor Gene he works all day then comes home and works on the house. I feel so bad for him I am trying to do what I can while he is gone to work but thier is not much i can do without him here.
Luckily for us over Memorial day weekend we had our wonderful friends from Roosevelt here. They had ball games for thier son but when they got done they would come to our house and help us.
Then we where the bad people and becouse they offered to stay and help us we sluffed church and literally worked our friend Troy to death. Tracy was amazing and while I was helping Gene and Troy and running errands and being thier gofer, Tracy was doing kids and cleaning my house. I need to just send a shout out to them for being such wonderful amazing awesome friends.
So we worked hard on Sun, I know its wrong but when you have free help and considering the circumstances we did it. Please don't judge me. You do what you have to do to get this done.
I am so glad that the Rohrers where here though. Tracy helped me get my carpet picked out, paint picked out and they talked Gene into going with a new vanity in our bathroom instead of using our old one. Troy also helped Gene figure out to make our closet organizer. Our contractor was going to design and build it. So with alot of thinking and talking and me making decision's. (I am the worst at making decisions.)

The only positive thing that has come out of this is that we are ending up saving money so we where able to hire a tile guy who is going to lay our tile and do some awesome layout with the tile. Have I mentioned how I am not very good at making decisions.

Thier is really not anything positive that can come out of someone having a stroke. We are trying to see the positive in this.

So for our memorial day weekend we literally worked out guts out. Tracy took the kids swimming on Sat night. Gene and I where starving so we ran up to lacasita we where so tired we couldn't even hold a conservation. We just sat and stared at each other. Then we came back and did more work on our house.
We are hoping to have carpet buy fathers day weekend. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Thier is tons more to write about everything else we have been doing but we will stop here for know. If your still with me. I will try and get some pictures taken and up on here.

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