Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Gene got a new toy

I have been opposed to this for all 14 years of my married life. Why did I cave now? Who knows maybe he whined long enough, maybe I feel bad for all the money he spends on me? I don’t really know all I know is I caved. Of course when we got it home Gene’s best friend doc had to come check it out.

1228102118 (1)

Talk to me at the end of summer and see how I feel about it. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Temple Square

We went to Temple Square on Sunday. It was an amazing thing. I love going up and being able to see all the lights. It was almost like a beautiful spring day when we left Springville. When we got to the point of the mountain, the fog rolled in. I have see pictures of the temple encased by fog but never witnessed it in real life. AMAZING beautiful I love the peace you fill on the temple grounds. So calming and uplifting. I am truly amazed at the sacrifice of the pioneers and what they did for us.

The fog really made you forget you where in a busy downtown City. It made it feel like temple square was of on its own little world. What an amazing feeling it was there this night.

The fog was so thick you can actually see my camera picking it up. What a beautiful time of year. One I am truly amazed at.
I am so thankful that I was able to take my family to the temple grounds and be able to teach them about our Savior and all that he has done for me and them.

I love, love, love it when our friends from Roosevelt use us for a landing pad, literally this is what happens when dads pass out on the couches and moms are to busy talking to be good moms. We just keep telling these to to go to bed. They did we had to push Reagans feet away from the door. so fun when friends come in for a visit even if it is only for 6 hours in the middle of the night. love it.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Timp Caves

Let's get one thing straight. I have never said I was in great shape but I thought I was in ok shape. Well that is until you hike Timp Caves with a ton of 4th graders who go really fast, and this hill is like straight up and down. There is not even places where it levels out for a little bit and you can get a break.

This is probably a big no no. Putting your kid's friends on your blog. Oh well one of the kids is a good friend and the other is a cousin so I guess I will get away with it this time.

We made it up the Mountain. Holy cow I have never been so happy to see the end of a destination. This hike was hard. Yes I am a wimp, yes I was super sore for like 4 days. But I guess what matters most is the memories I made by being there with James.

Our little group. We just finished the tour and came out of the cave. The kids were fairly good and had a good time to.

We made it to the bottom. I was singing praises at this point cause I am not sure which is worse the going up the hill or the coming down. Either way I did it.

Yes I know it's sad that I have lived basically at the base of this mountain range for my whole life and never done this hike.
I for one would take Lehman Caves over Timp any day. Why you ask? Timp hike 1 1/2 mile straight uphill. Lehman drive in a vehicle 2-21/2 hours from Springville.Did you hear me I said drive as in like have a diet dr. pepper right next to me and treats. Pull up to the ranger station. Walk through the ranger station and straight into the cave. Yes I am lazy. I would much rather drive than walk. I know I know get of my lazy butt. Oh well to each there own I say.
I will say that in 5 years if they still do this trip I will be back up on that mountain with Jesse. Yes I am that kind of mom. Torture myself then plan on doing it again with the next kid to go through school.
When I talk about torture you have to know to that I rode the bus. I usually never ride the bus. I always drive myself. So that I have the freedom to stop whenever I need to and get a diet dr. Pepper. That is the kind of awesome mother I am. Always thinking about myself. This time I tried the bus. TORTURE, is all I can say. The bus driver scared the crap out of me to. That is saying alot considering my driving record.
Oh well no one fell of the mountain no one got hurt we all survived barely so I guess all in all it was a good time.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

James Got a new haircut

He's a true Cope.

After he was done showering he came down and said "Mom my hair fell out when I was showering."

Really James, do you have cancer that I am not aware of? Some medical condition we may have to start seeking treatment for?

So here is a word to the wise. Make sure that you watch out when you come to the Cope house wear a hat. Somehow we have a condition where you hair falls out just randomly.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Won't you be my neighbor?

So on this lovely Monday afternoon. I walked over to my neighbors house. Her tomato's where getting ripe like crazy. I picked them then knew she was totally overwhelmed with work and stuff. So I asked her what she wanted done with them. She said whole tomato's. I said OK took her bottles and the tomato's and went home.
This is what she ended up with. 10 quarts of tomato's.

I love my neighbor so much and I am glad that she is my neighbor and lets me do her canning for her. I really do like to do it.

I also proceeded to mow the lawn. All by myself. Usually I make Gene or the kids do the lower have because we have been know to have those creepy slithering things in our ward. Then I watered our yard. I mean really watered like almost flooded our yard.

Then for family night I made us all go out and weed the raspberry's. I will only do this when Gene is home to do the whole snake check thing before we start weeding.

Next thing I know is that Kelty has gone in the house. Surprise surprise she somehow managed to get out of weeding. All the sudden I hear tons of commotion in my house and hear "Dad, dad, there is a snake in the house. See previous post about how terrified of snakes I am. Thinking she is joking he walks in. Sure enough their is a snake in my new living room. He gets it kills it and then flushes it sown the toilet. Great now I have the fear that somehow its going to slither back up my toilet and bite me on the butt.
In all seriousness, he has a friend who works for the sewer plant. I really asked him if he would call him and make sure it came through the sewer so I know it is no longer anywhere near my house.
Gene proceeded to laugh and tell me no. I am serious here I wanna know its gone.
Then to top it of I have ants in my master bathroom. It's on the second floor of my house. Who what and how do you gets ants in there?

So question of the day. Who wants to be my neighbor? I will bottle tomato's for you.
Or better yet, my house is for sale. Who wants to buy house, it includes snakes, and ants in your bathroom. Great selling point huh.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


What more can I say but Lion King was simply fabulous. So glad we went and where able to take our kids to it. A serious miracle happened while we where their. Jesse sat still and was memorized by the whole thing. That my friends is a miracle in our family.

My mom went with us. It was so great that she was willing to come with me and my crazy family.

My mom and I waiting for it to begin.

My cute little family just sitting and waiting and so excited.

I would highly recommend going to see it. Good times to be had by all. The topper to the night was that my mom bought us Crown Burger for dinner. Yumm-o that is a family favorite around here. Such wonderful memories hopefully my kids will thank me for one day.

GOOD GRIEVE???????????

GOOD GRIEVE..... (sorry alot of words not alot of pictures.)

Is there a good grieve? I mean like is there a good way to grieve to loss of a loved one? I am not sure if there is a right or a wrong way to grieve. Some days it s really hard, like you can barely function, other days you get up and laugh and learn and try to be better because someone is in heaven and hopefully watching over you. It’s also hard because when that someone you love dies when is a good time to stop having those breakdown sobbing till you almost through up moments, 1 year 10 days never? I don’t know, I guess what I need to learn is when we have those moments how to put it in perspective and use it for the better of me and the person I am grieving.

About 14 months ago my niece died of cancer, at the very young age of 10. A very mean aggressive type of chordoma tumor cancer. All cancer is mean and aggressive but this kind is really mean and very rare.

My niece, being 8 months younger than Kelty, where good friends. It has been hard on Kelty to have Anna gone. It has been hard on all of us but especially Kelty. The child has a right to grieve for her cousin. The problem that poor

Kelty is facing is that she has to very different parents in the way that we grieve. Gene cries for the allotted 2-3 days from when we are told someone has died to the funeral then he is done. I mean done to almost to the point it’s not healthy. Like don’t talk about them anymore they are a has been in our life so to speak. Don’t get me wrong he believes in the plan of salvation and knows he will be with them again but for the time being they are gone. Let’s move on. Then there is me. I cry for weeks, day’s months at anything the drop of a hat and I cry. I go to the cemetery, a lot. I take flowers for birthdays and death days. I talk about the person like they are just gone on trip. Then I cry some more.

So for Kelty this is kind of a problem. She doesn’t know what the best way to grieve is. Cry every day and be sad or just not mention it like the big pink elephant in the room? So for a 12 year old this can be really confusing. Getting two very different ways to grieve.

To me I don’t think Kelty has totally grieved over the loss of Anna. Sure she cried but I am just not sure she has totally grieved?

So the other day when Kelty came home from school so upset I asked what was wrong. After literally weeping and wailing on my floor for about 15 min’s. She finally got out that she just misses Anna so much and it completely sucks that she had to die. Good Grieve? I would think so we talked about Anna and the positive that she did for us while she was here. Then Kelty made the statement “I wish cancer would get cancer and die.” Pretty true and profound statement if you ask me. So Kelty and I talked and talked and talked about what Anna loved to do. One of those things was going to build a bear. So the date was set. Tomorrow night we were having a date just me and Kelty. She was going to build a bear just for her so when she was sad, lonely, missing Anna. She could hold the bear and hopefully gain a little peace from it.

Well in talking with my sister she said don’t make it all about being sad though. We need to have positive moments that come from grieving. Why don’t you have Kelty take her own money and make a bear and donate it to the hospital for someone else? Great Idea I talked to Kelty she liked the idea. So it was set we were going to get her a bear and then get one for someone else who needed a little help. Good grieve?

Through a friend of a friend of a friend, I just so know someone who happens to have cancer who’s 7 or 8, I think. So I asked if it would be ok if we made this bear for him and gave it to him. They said yes that is awesome.

We get to build a bear Kelty looks at all the animals and decided on her bear it s name is huggable bear. Pretty good for what we need! Then she looks and finds one for the other child. We move on to the noise station. Where you can put sounds in the bears if you want. We look, listen, play, listen some more to all the sounds available. Then off to the side is a heart that beats like a real heart. Kelty sees this and immediately knows this is what she wants to put in both these bears. “Anna needs a heartbeat and soon this boy will need one to.” Again my child is always amazing me and what she says. Moving on to the stuffing of the bears she stuffs hugs gets the other little heart that you get to put in the bears says a little wish on it and finishes up stuffing the bears.

She baths them, dresses them, and finds the perfect shoes to go with the clothes she has chosen. She laughed she cried a little bit but all in all I think she had a good time.

One good thing that came out of this is. When we were driving home from the mall and talking. I told her about when all 3 of my babies were born. They came out and would do this little round O thing with their mouth. Every time they would do this I would think of my Grandpa Warren because he was always trying to get us to whistle. So to me it was like a little part of him when I would see kids do this. Kind of like he was saying I was keeping them safe until it was there turn to come to earth. Just a little reminder of him, something that only I would think of. I told Kelty this and said who knows maybe Anna is up there teaching your kids to stand on their heads and kick their legs out like she did.

So this is my question what is a good way to grieve? Hopefully this is a good way to grieve. She knows that every time she has a break down about Anna does not mean we are running out to buy her a build a bear. But I think she knows that there is always a hug waiting from mom, a listening ear or just someone to cry to.

If you can read this, this is the note Kelty wrote and put in the box with the bear. Such a good day for us.


Monday, September 13, 2010


On Sat September 4th was the 2 year anniversary of my Grandma Whiting's death. So I told my kids in honor of her we where doing things she would have liked to do.
We went to the farmers market to buy veggies to bottle. (True that my grandma would have grown her's but this is the best I could do last minute.)

We saw my mom and Aunt Ila at the farmers market so we had to have there picture taken with my boys.

So we bought us some red beets. Also its a pretty sad day when you have to buy tomato's from the farmers market because the 200 hundred plus plants that you planted this spring decided not to produce.
So we bottled salsa and pickled beets, in honor of my grandma.

I had every intention of cleaning my house to Crandall clean on this day. I did get it picked up and looking pretty good but I so know I wouldn't have passed the white glove test that my grandma would have given me. I was to tired to clean that good. When I was talking to my friend and told her all I had planned for this day. She says "I am coming to check the tops of your door frames." Man failed on that one to. So fun to have friends who knew my grandma and can remind me of little things like that, that I had totally forgot that she did. That was always my job at her house since I was so tall.

I didn't take any pictures but after all this we went to the cemetery and sat around her headstone and talked about our favorite memories of grandma. Jesse was that she loved him. James said that he liked the ice cream she always had. The kind in the little containers with the wooden spoon. Kelty said she just liked to be around and listen to her. Gene said his favorite memory is when we lived with my parents for 4 months while building this house. He would come home for lunch and grandma would walk over about 11:55 and ask me what I had fixed for him. Then when Gene got home he would egg my grandma on and say things like yeah Camille why don't you have my lunch fixed. It was all in good humor. Grandma would laugh and just sit and visit with her.
I of course have many favorite memories of my grandma.
Inviting her over in the mornings before school when we had pancakes.
When she would make whole wheat bread and then we would make French toast out of it.
Watching the Lawrence Welk show on sat. night with her.
Eating sugar on out pancakes and listening to her tell us (every time) she ate pancakes with us. How they would roll one or two up with sugar and put in there pockets for later in the day when they where hungry from working on the farm.
Hot Milk cake and Ice tea during hay hauling season.
I can go on and on of the many memories I have of my grandma. Since I lived next door to her growing up I have a lot. She was very much involved in my life and she is a very big influence on who I am today.
I don't think a day goes by that I don't think about her. Good or bad I still think about her everyday.
I love you grandma thank you for making me into the person I am today.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Waiting for the free bus. To take us from the ski area's to main street.

Kelty, Gene, Jesse at the top of main street. So not crowded so not what I expected. So nice.
Score 8 for me.

When we left main street it was just about time for the Pro. part of the tour of Utah. Pretty sure I saw the guy who rode with Lance Armstrong. That is only after I called my sister and said since we are here who should we be looking for?

Gene then had the brilliant idea of going to Olympic park. Score 1 for Gene this was awesome. It was free and you could see them going of the jumps and splashing in the water. Totally memorized all for us for like 45 mins. It was awesome well worth going to if your going to Park City. Also it's FREE. Even better.

Then when the day was all said and done we went to granny's in Heber for a shake for the ride home. Again Gene's idea score 2 for him.

We had a wedding to go to in Wanship. So that is why we made a day of hanging in park city. So worth it. We also did it on a very friendly budget. $36 dollars for the Alpine slide, $0 money for the bus ride to main street. Walking main street and it not being busy considering what was going on $0. Going to Olympic park and watching the skier's practice $0.
Going to a wedding for a great friend. Priceless.
Stopping at Granny's for a shake $18 for the 5 of us.
Spending our last Sat. before schools starts with no yelling, kids fighting, asking can I, can I, and the most famous around here i'm bored.
We had a great day really didn't hit much by the way of crowds. Someone was defiantly praying for us today. Usually Gene and I fight like no other. We are not good travelers together. Today was so much fun. The kids and I are beat. So final tally
Gene 2
Camille something like a billion for pushing through and just going to do just because I didn't want to sit home.
What a wonderful day. Hope our next day outing is a good as this one.

Park City

A day of fun and playing in Park City it was awesome. We where a little bit apprehensive since we had heard that the Tour Of Utah was going to be there. Not only there but they where doing time trials so it was a course set up and they lapped main street. Many of you who know Gene
know crowds and Gene do not mix. Do not press go, do not mix. It really is that bad.
Well me being me and wanted to do something fun with the kids for one last whoraaa befor
e school started thought it would be ok to go.
We drove into to town the billboard thingy was flashing that said turn your radio to certain station for event traffic info. The butterflys where flying by this time in my stomach.
We head right for the Alpine slide. I love the Alpine slide, Gene hates it. Are you sensing a theme here? No wait to buy the tickets. Score 1 for me. (now would be a good time to get out your pencil and paper as I will be talling up the scores at the end.)
Gene wouldn't ride, he didn't care if the kids and I did he just hates getting behind that one slow person. He happily walked around while we went to the tram. We waited like 10 mins for the tram, score 2 for me.

It was a beautiful day a little windy but that keep it nice and cool. Score 3 for me.
Take the time and go sharpen your pencil it will be worth it. I wil
l wait.

Kids sitting on one of the fake lift chairs they have around Park City.

Happy smiling kids. Score 4 for me.

Hearing our instructions. No racing, bumping, going super fast. Yada yada yada. I tuned the guy out about right here.

James doing his best to beat me and jesse down the slide. Look at that face who wouldn't love that. Score 5 for me.
Instructions, smuctions. Who needs them right?

Kelty on the alpine slide. It was awesome.
She really was having a fun time she was laughing at me and kept telling me not to drop the camera.
Score 6 for me.

Jesse and I he did all the steering it was great. He had a blast. He was laughing so hard and kept passing kelty. He loved it. Score 6 for me.

score 7 for me.

Just another shot of James racing down the mountain.

See next post for the rest of our day it gets better.
Score tally so far: Me 7 Gene 0

Thursday, August 5, 2010

This is what I did this morning. Made cinnamon rolls. They are heavenly and to die for. Sorry I had to brag a little bit I mean I did make them. hehehe

I have a funny story to tell and since I kinda use this as a journal I wanted to write it down so I would have it.

My grandma Whiting and her sister where called the bread lady's they went all over Springville and Mapleton doing bread demonstration. Probably more places I just can't remember.

When the Crandall great-grandkids would get married Aunt Hortense would always give us a bread board, rolling pin and cover for the bread board. It was standard you knew when it was time to have the Crandall shower you where getting certain things from certain family members. My family always gave the big Magna-lite pan. Its one of those weird quirky things we did.

Back to toady. As I was making my dough it was like I had two little birds sitting on my shoulder telling me how to do everything. Trust me I wasn't doing it right. They walked me through the whole process. I don't know why this happened to me today but it did. I am so lucky that I came from such a great family with wonderful qualities. (Crandall Clean) anyone? Someone out there that reads this has to know what this means.

It was great to have them sitting here talking to me. I am not crazy, the voices in my head tell me I am not. I could here them talking and laughing to me. Just like the old days. It was amazing how real they where. It was as real to me as breathing. I love my heritage, my grandma always made sure she always talked to me about where I came from and knew who my ancestors where. That was huge to here, she wanted to make sure she told me why I was the way I was and what makes me who I am.

I love my family and even if my grandma comes to me in little doses when I am cooking and tells me what I am doing wrong. I know she loves me cause if she didn't love me she wouldn't be here telling me that I am doing it wrong. She wants me to do it right.

So thank you Grandma and Aunt Hortense for telling me what I am doing wrong so that I can be a better person and make it right. I love my family.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


This is what Sat. Night looks like at the Cope house.

Our great dog Bandit. He is truly turning out to be the best dog ever.

James having fun playing with the dog. This is like an every minute activity around here. They love the dog.

Finally last but not least. To all you new parents out thier getting little to no sleep. Its all worth it for this very reason. They grow up and have to end up mowing your lawn while you sit on the front porch and watch. It's so worth it. Not while your going through it but now I am at the end of sleepless nights its very very worth it.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

AAAHHHH the smell of new carpet.

I am so excited. I can't wait for tomorrow when the inspector comes and says we can actually move our stuff into the new rooms.
I am seriously so excited I just go and lay on the carpet and breath deep, is that weird? I love the smell of new carpet. Its just awesome I think I have found my drug of choice. New carpet smell. So if I find out any of my friends are getting new carpet and I find out about it watch out, I may just sneak in your house and take a really long sniff.

So happy let me tell you Gene and I are about done with doing this project. Quick update on the contractor last we heard is that he is improving well and hopefully will be home sometime next week. Yeah couldn't be happier for him. I am so glad that he is improving and doing so well.

This is only part of my new bedroom. As you can see in the picture I have already started moving some stuff into the new room. Couldn't help it just got way to excited about it.

If I don't see you this winter come and visit me this is where I will be. Sitting right there in front of my new fireplace. So happy about it.

Just another view of the basement. This is kitty corner to the fire place.
I am so excited about this. Tomorrow when we pass our final inspection we are
moving all our old ugly furniture into these nice new rooms.
We are buying new furniture just seriously have no time to get out and go and find something we like.
We are also getting new carpet in our old family room and old master bedroom. So happy have I said that?
I am way spoiled. I will have to take a picture of my new closet
when the tile guy is done and gets all his stuff out of it. That is the only
thing we really have left. Is just finishing the tile. I will take a picture as soon
as that is done.
As for after Friday when the final carpet gets laid don't expect to see Gene or I
We will be laying in our new rooms just vegging and enjoying the fruits of our labors.
We will also I am sure being seeing alot of the back of our eyelids as that seems to have
become a rare occurrence around here.

P.S. We are moving furniture on Thursday night anyone wanna come and help we will gladly take
any help. Hint Hint lets see if anyone really reads this thing.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Serious survival mode around here......

So the house remodel is coming along pretty good. I think, I am being a major slave driver just ask Gene. Well we almost have all the painting done. (largely in part to a good good friend, who accepts bribes.) Hopefully the painting is done tomorrow. Yeah, I am so happy. Here is a nutshell of what we are living in. Trust me when I say I am in major survival mode. Gene told me that I am set for carpet for Monday, the 14 of June yeah.

This is my bathroom. When I say survival let me point out the rag in the both the sink drain and toilet drain. Yes we are defiantly rednecks around here.

This is my new closet. I honestly can't wait. It is all painted and just ready for the carpet. The only part of my house that is ready for carpet.

This is looking from the old family room into the new family room. See most of the painting is done.

Looking from my old bedroom to my new bedroom.

Looking out at my new doors. Yes people that is the first layer of tile going down. I am learning real fast tile is a hurry and wait process.

I took a picture of my current bedroom don't know where it is oh well trust me when I say we are in survival mode around here.
The only thing that is getting me through is the fact that carpet is coming so soon.
A huge shout out to all our wonderful family and friends that have so graciously stepped up to help us. Thank you thank you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Its to quiet around here

While I was laying on my couch facebooking and blogstalking. (really is their anything better to do in the mornings?) I knew it was to quiet in my house. With my older 2 kids gone to swim team that just left me and Jesse home.
I should have known something was going on when it was so quiet in my house. We are talking hear the birds singing outside quiet. That kinda quiet doesn't usually happen around here.
All the sudden I hear Jesse yelling for me to come and find him. I am thinking great what has he done now?
I find him in his room all snug as a bug in bed. Ahh how cute is what I thought. When in reality I should have thought aww what now. This is what I found.

Isn't that cute all cuddled in a blanket and laying so cute.

Then he threw the blanket of him and showed me what he had done. Great I thought. How to get that of.

Then when I went to go to the bathroom and Jesse couldn't find me. He thankfully went into the unfinished part of our house and wrote on my bathroom wall. Seriously I thought we had taken all the markers out of this house.
Ummm apparently not.

It's just a good thing this will be painted someday soon. I hope or he would have got his butt whipped. Some days with this kid feels like I have 10 kids and not one. He is going to be the death of me.

So I guess moral of this story is when you think your house it to quiet, get of the stupid computer and figure out why.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sorry No pictures

Ok so I have no pictures to post but thought I would at least update everyone on whats going on in our hectic lives.
To start of with the remodel is going as well as it can be. Considering that May 8th our contractor had a massive stroke. He is doing ok. No paralysis which is huge for a stroke but he is extremely week and having some memory problems. When he had the stroke he had our structure up and was about half way through the house wrap stage. The bottom windows where in but not the tip windows. So what do you do right? All I can say is its a good thing I am married to who I am. Luckily for us he was able to just jump right in and take over where he left us at.
So needless to say for the last month thier has been alot of stress at our house. So every night and weekend night we are doing something on the house usually until 11 or so at night.
Poor Gene he works all day then comes home and works on the house. I feel so bad for him I am trying to do what I can while he is gone to work but thier is not much i can do without him here.
Luckily for us over Memorial day weekend we had our wonderful friends from Roosevelt here. They had ball games for thier son but when they got done they would come to our house and help us.
Then we where the bad people and becouse they offered to stay and help us we sluffed church and literally worked our friend Troy to death. Tracy was amazing and while I was helping Gene and Troy and running errands and being thier gofer, Tracy was doing kids and cleaning my house. I need to just send a shout out to them for being such wonderful amazing awesome friends.
So we worked hard on Sun, I know its wrong but when you have free help and considering the circumstances we did it. Please don't judge me. You do what you have to do to get this done.
I am so glad that the Rohrers where here though. Tracy helped me get my carpet picked out, paint picked out and they talked Gene into going with a new vanity in our bathroom instead of using our old one. Troy also helped Gene figure out to make our closet organizer. Our contractor was going to design and build it. So with alot of thinking and talking and me making decision's. (I am the worst at making decisions.)

The only positive thing that has come out of this is that we are ending up saving money so we where able to hire a tile guy who is going to lay our tile and do some awesome layout with the tile. Have I mentioned how I am not very good at making decisions.

Thier is really not anything positive that can come out of someone having a stroke. We are trying to see the positive in this.

So for our memorial day weekend we literally worked out guts out. Tracy took the kids swimming on Sat night. Gene and I where starving so we ran up to lacasita we where so tired we couldn't even hold a conservation. We just sat and stared at each other. Then we came back and did more work on our house.
We are hoping to have carpet buy fathers day weekend. Keep your fingers crossed for us.
Thier is tons more to write about everything else we have been doing but we will stop here for know. If your still with me. I will try and get some pictures taken and up on here.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

First Date

Wow!!! I thought I would have a little more time before I wrote this post.

Today my best friend came from Roosevelt, and brought her daughter. We decided to meet up for lunch. So that means Jesse got to tag along. Boy was he happy.
While my friend was shopping I took the kiddo's to cold stone. After we ordered and sat down to eat our yummy treats this is what both of them said to me, "Mom we are on a date."
Really your 4. I can live with this though because of the great company that these friends are. I love my Rooseveltian friends they are the best. I couldn't ask for anyone better for my son to be hanging out with. So if I must write this post so early in Jesse's young life, as long as it's with Raegan I must say DATE ON.

They are quite the posers aren't they?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Seriously doesn't a freshly plowed field just make you want to get out and get your hands dirty. Growing up on a farm their was nothing better than this. A field all ready for planting. I love all the neat rows and just how much the dirt is just begging to be played in. I think its time to break out the tiller and get my garden going what do you think?

Oh the things you will see while you are driving down the street in Springville.... Oh man aren't thy cute. Gene brought this fork lift home today. Trusses are coming tomorrow. I will have to post pictures tomorrow.
Jesse was so excited to ride on "the tractor" with his dad. I was actually following them and didn't get a chance to get in front of them and take his picture smiling.

I know, I know you read my post right before this and I say I need to take more pictures. This is what I come up with? A newly plowed field and the back of Jesse and Gene's heads.
Well it's a start not a good one but a start none the less right?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring Break Cope Style

Ok so maybe this mom needs to learn to take more pictures. It is really sad that I did things with my kids all week for spring break and I only have 3 pictures.

We started our spring break of with a bang. Snow storm on Sun and Monday. What is a mom to do? Well Mon we stayed home and didn't do a whole lot just cleaned and vegged. It was nice.
Then it was of to the children's museum in Salt Lake.
Since it was cold and stormy we decided to ride trax in to kill time.
It was fun. The kids had a blast. Seriously this is how you know you are in Utah. 2 Moms and 11 kids. Wow I think we have the words crazy tattoed over our foreheads. Kids running every which way.
I took my neighbors/ cousins kids with me. Well I let Kelty and Bailey and Shundo go of by them self. Pretty soon my phone rings. (oh what would we do with out cell phones). It's Kelty mom Kennedy can't find you guys. She found us but she can't find you. Oh wait I did bring extra kids with me. Totally spaced it of. Sorry Birds I love Kennedy like my own just forgot I brought her with me for like 5 mins.
Anyone out there wanna let me take your kids for a day?

So my only pictures are at the children's museum.

Then on Wed. it was Jesse Birthday. I tell you I suck at the whole picture thing. So my sister and I decided to take the kids swimming at her in-laws house. Then it was of to my mom's for pizza for lunch. 8 kids later we are eating at my moms and letting them run through her house. She loves us let me tell you. My mom got Jesse a birthday cake and we sang to him and he loved every minute of it.
Then Christy decided to take her kids and go home. Well she ended up with all the kids at her house. She was only just going to take James home with her but being the type of person she is when Jesse started crying and saying he wanted to go to her house. She said "I am not going to make him cry on his birthday he can come with me?" Isn't she the best sister ever.

Since it was Jesse birthday Gene took a couple days of work. We where going to head to a show but we decided that he would like Jumping Jacks better. So we went down there. He loved it Both his brother and sister and big bounce houses and all the running around he could handle what more does a kid need?

Then Thursday it was of to Mcdonalds for lunch for Jesse. Grandpa Dave took pity on this mom and took my to older to kids to this auction place they have found and David is in heaven. James likes it and Kelty tolerates it. I was loving just having one kid for the day. So we meet up with Gene's cousins at Mickey D's and let them play.
Then it was of to home to get ready for another round of party's for Jesse. We didn't have the grandparents down on Wednesday night. So thurs we had a bar-b-que. Also we had our good friends come out from Roosevelt. They have kids the exact same age as ours and they are the best of friends.

So Thurs we partied again. The reason our friends where here is because their son was playing in a baseball tournament. So friday morning They went of to games and took James. Kelty and her friend just had to stay home and be girls they loved it. Jesse and Reagan played and played. He played 3 games and James was a trooper and stayed for all three and from what I was told he didn't whine to much.

Saturday morning was meet with more games. So of they go to the park while the girls and I stayed home and just vegged. Gene wandered the yard and tried to figure out what to do with our yard.

So all in all it was a great week. We did a lot and for one this mom is glad that school started again. We played till we dropped almost everyday.

We hope all you had a great spring break. We didn't go anywhere but managed to do a lot around here.

Oh I also took my bike over to the bike store to get serviced and James found himself a new bike that he wants.

This is what our future Mailmen look like. Mighty cute I must say. Jesse and His friend Cheyton. Such good buddies.

cool blog layouts