Sunday, May 10, 2009


Ok so for the 5th graders at our school they make them do a 10 mile hike at the end of the year. Kelty was all upset cause it was on her birthday, and I made her do it.
This is us almost back to the buses.
It is more or less like a walk though. If you are from Springville you will understand where we went. We started at the Pizza Hut church and walked the Hobble Creek path up to Rotary park and back. It is more like a stroll than a hike.
Bailey Bird, he is the funniest kid ever I swear.

Me on the hike I am so beautiful I know. But we had lots of fun.

The old ladies on the hike. Trina, Kami, and Laura. These three and so funny and made the hike feel like just a lounging day at the beach.

1 comment:

cool blog layouts