Saturday, April 25, 2009

James Baptism

James got baptized on Easter Sat. What a special day. I mean really what a more special day than Easter. He was so excited. He could barely handle waiting for 11:30 to come when it was his turn. He had no doubts and knows the Church is true with all his heart you can just tell. It was an awesome day. His best friend Easton came from Roosevelt to be here for him and he thought that was so neat.

Way to go James. We love you and are so proud of you for your decision to do this.

The best part was on Sun when the Bishop asked him to come to the front and if he wanted to sit on the stand for the rest of sacrament. He did and the Ward Choir sang a song and the whole time they sang he had his fingers in his ears with his arms straight out. So funny then another time I look up to see what he was doing and he had his scriptures on the top of his head. Gotta love it when they let 8 year olds sit on the stand and the parents sit on the back row and can't give the glare or hand signal to knock it of.

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