Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just a quick update

This is where we are at in the construction phase of the add on.
If I survive this it will be a miracle. I hate the mess and not having a yard.

It will all be worth it in the end, I am sure. Just pray that mother nature keeps up with some warm days so we can get the siding of the house and get the 2nd level going soon.

I am so excited I can't wait.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My middle child turned 9 WOW!!!!

James turned 9 this weekend. Wow where did time go. Wasn't it just yesterday I was having him?
All he wanted to do was go swimming at Omi's (my sister's in-laws house.)
I don't usually do party's. I just don't like to think up all the games and stuff to have to do.
But how do you resist this. Drop kids of at my house, feed the hot dogs, and some sugar, more sugar. Take them swimming, feed them more sugar, then drop them of home to mom and dad. Yeah that is how I roll.

But really who wouldn't want to do a party for a kid like this? He was so happy and it was so easy on my part. I sat in a chair by the side of the pool.

This is Princess Raegan. She was so funny. I wish I could have gotten her when she was moving her legs around like a real DIVA. So funny.

I think it turned out to be a really good day for James. His best friend lives in Roosevelt, and in the past this is the reason we have not done party's is because we usually meet up with them in Salt Lake and then spend the day together. Well this year was different. Easton had ball games in S.L. so they where going to meet us later for dinner. Well since it decided to snow his games got cancelled. So they where out here way earlier than we thought. We rounded up some swimsuits. They had a blast. I love that he has this best friend that makes his day. They had so much fun hanging out and spending the whole day together. Happy Birthday James.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Growing up...

I grew up on a Sheep farm, that is to say the house I lived in happened to sit right in the middle of that farm. As far as me being a farm girl far from it. It was to dirty and gross and I hate my hands to have that gross feeling to them. So to say I grew up on a farm is still in question. No I do not know how to drive a tractor, I can't ride a horse. (According to my niece and husband, I say I can they say I can't the jury is still out on that one.) I don't know the difference between Alf alfa and straw. I really do but again my niece begs to differ. I had to teach some preschool kids about a pumpkin patch and corn maze that my niece runs. I told the preschoolers that straw comes from corn. Who knew it doesn't it comes from grain? Good thing my mom was their. So I don't know much when it comes to the farm stuff. I admit it. I do have reason or so I like to think I do. Wanna hear it? I know your dying to hear this story.

This is my version my father may have a completely different version but I like mine best. So this is the story. I am the youngest of 3 with 5 years between my sister and I and 9 years between my brother and me. I have heard that my dad did all the good father things with my sister as far as making her go out and drive the tractor and teach her how to bale the hay and so on and so forth. But the kicker is this. My sister is a way girlie type of girl. Hates to camp, hates to be dirty in any form and hated the farm. So my theory is by the time I came around my dad was sick of trying to make my sister go work on the farm so he figured why try with me? Well I am not a real girlie type of girl but the whole farm thing for me was so not cool when I was growing up. So I didn't push back either to have my dad teach me. So when I say I grew up on a farm you know what I mean. I just happened to live their. Anything on the outside of the lawn was foreign land to me.

So today we take the kids up to see the new baby lambs. Apparently at this time of year its real busy on the farm with Ewes having babies from about the middle of January to some time in April. Again who knew? So here are a few pictures of my kids in what is called the jugs? This is where after the baby lambs are born they put them so that they will bond with their mother and nurse and stuff. Kinda like the maternity ward in the hospital only way DIRTIER.

This is Jesse checking out a new baby and the mom is not real happy that he is hanging around so close. Look at that stare he was getting.

Same Mama Ewe looking at Jesse. Jesse thought she liked him, I do know this. She did not like Jesse being this close to her baby.

The stare down continues.

This is my brother putting a brand new baby lamb in the jugs. I know that this mother does not like my brother either but she had to follow here baby.

This is Kelty taking a picture of me taking a picture of her. We are so savvy at this house let me tell you. This picture is a perfect shot of why I don't like the farm. Can you see all those cobwebs above Kelty's head? Ewwe gross. Kelty even made the comment. Mom didn't Grandma Whiting ever come out here. This place is disgusting. Inside joke you have know my family and know how clean they are. (My aunt actually has a vacuum just for the outside of her house. No lie but that is a whole nother post.)

So this is our family Sunday afternoon trip to the farm. Please don't ask any farm questions I really won't be able to answer them. It was a fun time but glad to be able to come home and put our clothes in the wash we stunk.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Gotta love it.

Today I am so thankful Letter Factory.

While I was doing this,

Jesse was doing this. Watching Letter Factory.

So while I am sewing a Levi quilt to donate to the school for an auction.
I figure I am not a neglectful parent if he is watching letter factory right?
It works at least for me. He is learning his ABC'S, I am working on things for
the other kids school. I guess you can only do so much and what you can't do
the great people that make this awesome videos so parents like be can do
everything. We hope anyways right.

cool blog layouts