Saturday, February 27, 2010

We have lost our minds.

AHHH, the joys of doing home remodeling its so much fun. And we are just at the beginning stages of it. What am I thinking, oh yeah more room so I am not sitting right in the middle of my kids and thier friends.

Today Gene and I worked on moving sprinklers. I dug the trenches to find the pipe. Go me right?
I only dug them cause Gene just got done cutting a whole bunch of concrete. I took pity on him.
We are adding on a new master bedroom and underneath that we are adding on a new room, so both stories. Yeah I can't wait.
Oh I can't wait we are going to have a walk in shower and a master closet.
Just another shot of the backyard.

Gene working hard, by this time I was sitting in my lawn chair. I know I work so hard right.

Why didn't I do this like 10 Years ago?????

$100.00 dollars later and I have a clean shoe room. Seriously why didn't I do this years ago. So easy and simple I had it put together in like 45 mins total. I just bought this at Wal-mart but I think I need a trip to IKEA. I have heard they are full of this sort of thing.

Each of the kids have a pull out basket and Gene and I each have a cupboard. With one left over for like hats gloves and everything else.

I am not really fond of the white but it is always paintable right.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentines Day Story

You have to know that neither Gene nor I get into the whole Valentine thing.

So I have to share what a goof I am married to.

Since we where on vacation in Arizona over valentines day. (We of course have to drive 800 some odd miles to just go to Wal-Mart.) As we where walking into said Wally world. Gene sees all the displays for flowers, balloons, cards, candy, etc. When I was walking by the flowers Gene says to me "Of those flowers which one would you like best?"

Me being the sucker I am thinking he is going to buy me flowers, says I like that one. To which he replies "Oh good, cause that is the one I would have gotten you if we would have been home."

My friend and I just bust up laughing. Seriously who has a husband during the most romantic time of the year says that?

Yep ladies he is all mine. He is not up for the taking you will have to find your own romantically, funny, handsome man.

I just had to share that story makes me laugh. He does care, just knows that that is not important to me. He shows me how much he loves me everyday, when he thinks I am still asleep and before he leaves for work bends down and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

Ssh, don't tell him that I am half awake when he does this. I don't want him to know. It's my little secret that I like. I wanna keep it that way. For nearly 14 years he has done this. So take that romantically over rated holiday.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


So I have to be the worst at taking pictures. We left on wed. morn and drove all day and made it to Queens Creek about 7 that night. Big sigh here the kids where awesome. The whole way down not a fight. I loved it. The Worst part is I forgot to take my camera so a couple of cell phone shots later will be added. Just wanted to let all our Utah friends that we are loving it down here the sun warm laying on the tramp almost asleep. Man really its February can you get any better than that.
We have had a true r&R vacay. Seriously we have done nothing and it has been wonderful. We have been hanging out at their house and just laughing and giggling like we where back in high school. So fun.
Its late and I have to go but wanted to update and say more to come. After I get a much needed nap tomorrow when we get home.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The best part....

Of being a stay at home mom, and having one of those tag-a-long child.
Is being able to have one on one time with them.
Today it was reasonably pleasant outside. So Jesse and I went outback to just have some fun with the dog. Jesse wanted me to push him in the swing. He was laughing so hard when I would push him. It was so fun. I didn't get a picture of him wish I had my camera with me. It's these little moments that happen that make me realize why I am a stay at home mom. I get frustrated like I am sure every other mother has gotten ie: sick of laundry, cleaning the bathroom and so on. Sometimes we get stuck in our ruts and it takes days like to today to remember why we do it.
Swinging on the swing only cost me a little of my time. Nothing else how priceless is that. 5 Min's of uninterrupted time with my 3 year old.
I love him and all my kids but today makes me really glad that I had him and the joy he brings to us. Sometimes in the way of crazy wanna pull your hair out joy. But none the less he brings our family joy.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Because my sister and I have this problem with CRAP. We have decided the last to years to not exchange Christmas gifts with each other or our kids. We will create memories instead. So for the last 2 years after all the Christmas rush and hub-ub is over we planned a party to go bowling at BYU then to Brick Oven for dinner. Last year we forgot to take pictures so this year I broke out the old cell phone and took pictures cause of course I forgot my camera. So this is our Christmas present to our kids from their cousins. Spending time together and doing something fun.

James, Jack, Jesse for them we couldn't get started fast enough.

Joseph and my mom with Christy's back to us and Chaleesa standing in the back ground. Don't they just look like they are so excited to be humoring their mom and aunt?

Jesse so excited to be bowling. Look at the air that kid can get. James and Harrison always willing to help him out.

All I can say is its a good thing that my husband doesn't read my blog. I would be shot for posting this picture.

Chaleesa on the far side and the little boys just watching and having so much fun.

I took alot more picture but I might get disowned if I publish them. All in all it was a good time to be had. I think we accomplished our goal, my kids are already asking when we can do it again. Memories are the best. No clean up afterward, no toys to trip on, no wondering what do buy and then buying something just cause you need to have something Christmas morning. Best idea Christy and I have come up with yet. But I feel many more brewing. Together we are unstoppable? OK maybe not but we can pretend right?

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