Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Birthday

Yesterday was Gene's birthday. So I went and bought the stuff you write on windows with and took the kids and we went and decorated his truck. The kids loved it. If you know me you know I can't stand a surprise. Well this time it worked out for the best for me.

After we got done decorating it. I went and got a Coke. But then I couldn't handle it. So I called Gene and just said "come out side." He was like whats wrong? I said nothing just come outside.

So when he walked out he saw this.....

He just started to laugh. I say it was a good thing we called him cause it down poured at about 11:50. By the time he got outside to his truck he said it was all washed of. Just some white marks here and thier.
The 29+6 is because he says he is only 29 years old. He says he never hit 30. So anytime one of the kids ask him how old he is he always says 29.
Tonight was also the Open House for the new Fire Station up town. So after dinner we went up to help with that. It was fun. This year we all got new shirts so I had to have our picture taken in front of a fire truck right?

Monday, June 15, 2009

The drive home.

This is what happens when you spent the last 5 days with friends.
You crash big time. This ride home was defiantly much calmer than the ride to Roosevelt. This time we only had 3 kids not 5 and Gene had some much needed rest.

Kelty never crashed but when your brothers are asleep their is not much to do. So the 2 hour ride home was pretty quiet.
Gene just driving, I think I need to hire me a driver. Since in all my post this is what Gene is mainly doing.

The drive home was made so much better by having these along for the ride.

So just to get things straight on this drive we had 3 very tired kids, 1 not sleep deprived dad, 2 very full diet Dr. Pepper/Dr. Peppers =1 very happy mom.
1 peaceful drive ahhh my life is grand.

4-Wheeling with the Rohrer's

This is what our day started out like on sat. So beautiful, so much better than yesterday since Gene was able to get a good uninterrupted nights sleep.

Eating lunch before the ride. Oh yeah and pounding down the Diet Coke/Dr.Pepper.

We rode in this beautiful country. Not really sure where we where but it was gorgeous. This is Makell and Kelty. Can really be old enough to have kids that can ride their own machines wow. What a nice phase of life.

Jesse and Raegan just waiting for the riding to begin.

James and Easton riding around waiting for us to get everything ready. They are on their own machines to just smaller ones.

This is what it looked like when we ended the ride. All in all this was a good day. Not to hot not to cold. The rain seriously came as soon as we got in the truck it started to down pour.

Fun times with the Rohrers

So this past weekend was Art City Days. I love Art City Days, Gene hates it. So for the last 12 years of marriage he has been trying to get me to leave town for Art City Days. This year I take him up on his offer. I had my friends kids from wed to fri. Makell and Easton, then on Fri when Gene got of work the plan was for us to take the kids back to Roosevelt with 4-wheelers so we could ride. Well the plan didn't include a fire at 2:30 in the morning. Not at my house. When you are married to a fireman this is what happens. So Gene started his Fri at 2:30 a.m. By the time 6ish rolls around to go he is wiped out. But because we are taking 4-wheelers with us he wont let me drive.

So we have 5 kids in the truck with Gene and I. So for those of you keeping count we have 7 people in a 6 person truck. 2 extremely giggly girls, 2 hyper boys, I 3 year old who wants to be in the back. With all the kids. 1 extremely ornery Dad, 1 mom who is trying to please everyone.

This picture doesn't even do it justice to how loud it was in here. Not to mention how stinky. Not sure what I fed these kids but man for 2 hours they stunk
Easton and Makell. Not sure why my pictures are so blurry?

Can you see how happy Jesse is. Can you see how happy Gene is?

Then to top it all of. We got behind this truck in a no passing zone. This was almost Gene deal breaker when we got behind this truck. He nearly lost it.

I know it blurry but that is 20 mph we where going. Gene was getting ticked. I was laughing cause this is how my life goes. Thankfully we where able to pass this truck after about 5 miles. But it was 5 long miles for me. Thinking my husband was going to blow his cork.

We had to have 3 bathroom stops on the way up. Thankfully it was the boys who needed to go so we just pulled over to the side of the road.

Just another picture of the craziness that was going on in the back of the truck.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So tonight for a little fun we rode our bikes to Gene's Grandma Na's. This is about 1.3 miles from our house. Not that far really unless you are a 3 year old just learning how to ride a bike. With training wheels. Jesse did so good. A little slow and scary at some points, ie riding in the road, cutting in front of a car. You know just the usual stuff for Jesse.
I did pull the empty stroller in case he couldn't make it, who was I kidding this is Jesse we are talking about. No is not an option with this kid.
Us in front of Grandma Na's. James was pouting so he is not in the picture.
Notice the only one with a helmet on?????
Jesse did this himself. He wanted it on, at one point he took it of and then went about 20 feet and we had to stop again so he could put it back on.
Such a good kid. Such a bad mom for not making my other 2 kids wear theirs.
(I don't think Kelty even has a helmet.)
Ok now that my hand hurts cause I just slapped it.
James just loving life.

Kelty yelling at me cause I was using her camera and she didn't want me to drop it.
Who does she think I am????
(I put spazzy Camille away for today, I think.)

Gene and Jesse, aren't they cute. Sorry the pictures are blurry but I was trying to ride and take pictures at the same time. I know, I know I have you all impressed now huh!

Jesse, Gene, Kelty and way up their is James. So fun!
I am sad and happy at the same time.
The other day at 7-peaks I got to hold my friend Steph's new baby (like 2 weeks old). I was thinking oh I want one of these.
Then I got to go on this awesome family bike ride with everyone on their own bikes. Who would have thought.
Just different seasons of life I know. I am glad to have these little moments when I can look back and realize that while I will never have another baby, I am enjoying these moments with my kids.
I am loving this new season for me. My kids are getting so old. This is good and bad.
I am liking the independent stage but I guess it is just the feel of being needed. Who would have thought, my kids are independent.
I loved having the newborns, the new smell new everything.
But as I write this I am realizing my kids are just in a new phase. Not newborn but new adventures await us. Who knows what they will be, good I hope. Bad we will deal with. In between ahhhhh sigh we would love but we will take whatever is thrown at us right??????

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Look what I got.

So I forgot to add this picture of our last camping trip. I just came across it tonight.

So the post before this I was saying how bad it was camping. Muddy and everything but I mean really who can complain with a kitchen floor that looks like this.

Yes folks you can see that right. I had my own stone kitchen. Let me tell you this is not the fake stuff either. This is the real deal. I mean who wouldnt want to camp when you can have your very own stone kitchen. My husband is the best he takes such good care of me.

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