Saturday, January 31, 2009


So today we went shooting. Last week Gene bought a .22 gun. (this means nothing to me). So he was dying to try it out. So this us out on West Mountain. We had quite the group of us. Dan and Kourtney Meyers. The Roach family. Joel and his grandson Taylor and us. It was alot of fun.

Our Friends Jared and K.D. Roach Trying out each others guns was a blast.

Joel teaching Taylor how to shoot the .44 (Again this means nothing to mean.)

I love this picture of Joel and his grandson Taylor. Just the way Joel is shooting and Taylor is on his back.

Gene and James shooting the .22.

The fire I made Joel build me. I know it doesn't look like a very rip roarin one, but it kept me warm so I am not complaining. He knows if he wouldn't have made me one I would have been complaining the whole time. Thanks Joel.

This is me shooting an AK 47 (what the %$&!) This gun is huge it about knocked me on my butt. They where all laughing at me. I never even came close to hitting the target. But like I always say "at least I am having fun."
So I got pictures of almost everyone but I missed a few. Including my own daughter and youngest son. Oh well I tried right. I remember the hot chocolate. Need I remember anymore?????

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The dork's

Just a fun little post while I am at it. This is Kelty and I one morning before church. We where listening to Mamma Mia on Kelty's Ipod and singing as loud as we could. I have an air freshener can and Kelty has a bottle of lotion. Our improvised microphones. Don't I look great just got out of the shower and haven't even combed my hair.

Good food, good friends, I am blessed.

Tonight we went to dinner with The Roach's. We had a ball after the freaking 2 hour wait. Oh well what do you do. We really wanted Tuchano's. So we waited. Then we decided to go shopping. Not really that much fun with Gene. So I took him to a gun store. He had fun. I just wandered around and acted interested. He was talking to me about this and that. I don't really remember what but, he does shop with me so oh well.

We finally got our dinner and had a great time.

The Roach's Megan and K.D.

Gene and I. He loves all the pictures I have been taking lately. Such a good sport.

I love dessert. Notice their is only one dirty fork on the plate. Yeah I have a small problem with sugar. I am thinking about starting a S.A.A. group. (sugar addicts anonymous.)


So I have the greatest family in the whole world.
My Aunt Lynette decided that she wanted to teach all my Grandma's great granddaughters how to sew. I am so not turning that down.
Last week she taught them how to make pillow cases. This week they made Pajama pants. I am so in this. I will gladly by the material. I mean really free class, great people, and fun who could ask for more.

Jesse didn't go to the class but when I went to pick up Kelty he went and had to get in on the action.
These are all my cute cousins and all thier cute pants that they made.


To start of with maybe I should update more regularly. I guess we have alot going on. The first thing is James had his 2nd grade Opera. Oh my what a great thing about 2nd grade. At his school they planned an opera and sang the whole thing. So cute wonderful things to see and hear. They did thier opera on the Artic. James was an artic wolf. Man can that boy howl.

James and his best friend Juan. Don't you just love thier costumes. They made and did everything themselves with just some help from the teacher.

James waiting his turn to do his Opera.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Don't be a PLAYA HATAR

Kim and I went and saw Twilight on opening night. We hated it. It was so cheesey we couldn't stand it. So last night at the show, we saw Ghosttown last night it was wonderful. I highly recommend it. when we saw this poster of twilight we had to make fun of it.

Just another picture of the poster. You can see I am so ready to put my finger in my mouth.

Kim and I at the movie. We always seem to have lots of fun together. No matter where, what or when.

Our Nummy desserts from Olive garden. Can we say we almost licked the plate clean.

This is my friend Kim at Olive Garden. We have lots of fun together.

So Gene is getting a little fed up with me. He has been working about 15 hour days 6-7 days a a week. Well what is a girl to do with all this time and extra money. Play I tell you Play.

I went the weekend after Christmas to Salt Lake with My mom, sister, aunts and cousins.

I did talk gene into taking 2 hours early off on New Years Eve. So we could go to Roosevelt. Then tonight I went to Dinner and a Movie with my friend Kim.

This is just what I can remember doing. Their have been many other movie, dinner, and just playing. While I leave Gene home with the kids.

We where talking last night at dinner. I just said plan some MAN DATES and you can go. I am not your pimp. I won't plan them for you.

I have friends who like me and want to do things with me. I am sorry that nobody likes you. I am kidding I love him, and we have been to dinner and dates together I just manage to get some friend time in their to and he doesn't.
So this is my message to Gene don't be a PLAYA HATAR.

I know how to play and have fun. Anyone game, let's go.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Out of the mouths of Babes

When Gene was getting ready to go back to work from lunch Jesse had this to say
Gene: I love you
Me: I love you to.
Jesse: I love you lots.
I thought that was so cute. Then when we go upstairs for naptime. I ask Jesse what songs he wants to listen to. He says Skipper. I am confused, we don't have any songs with skipper in them. Then it dawned on me. Kelty has Scripture scouts. He wants to listen to scripture scouts. So we listen for a min. Then he says I want child. Again I am like what. Again it hits me. I am a child of God. So around here Skipper=Scripture scouts Child=I am a Child of God. He is so stinking cute espically at nap and bed times. But if that is all I have then I wouldn't have any cute things to blog about that my 2 year old says. So I guess we will love him Awake or Asleep.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Years in Roosevelt

We went out to Roosevelt to spend new years with our great friends, The Rohrers. I don't have pictures of new years eve, then their would be proof of what we did and let me tell you I think we all want to forget what we did. J/K. We had a great time and we went sledding new years day I do have pictures of those. They are not incriminating at all. So here is our new years

Kelty and Jesse going down the hill.

Having fun going down the hills.

Just having fun, like always.

Jesse loving the snow. So not his mothers child. Anyone who knows me know that I would much rather be in sitting by the fire.
Me and my best friend Tracy. Just having fun being together. We know how to have a blast. Just two wild and crazy girls.

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