Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Spirit is still alive.....

So today Gene was craving Golden Corral. Gag I just did. So he got up and took the kids and let me sleep. Oh happy day. When they where getting ready to leave some older gentleman came up and gave each of my kids a $2 bill. I thought it was awesome when they came home and told me.
So someone defiantly has the Christmas spirit at Golden Corral. Just had to share this heart warming story.

Merry Christmas was all that was said to my kids and Gene. So in an effort of paying it forward I am just going to say MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

James hates his picture taken. He is so much fun when it is time to take his picture.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Boys will be boys.......

Boys will be boys no matter how small.

Need I say any more?

I know it really hard to see. The story goes something like this. Gene and I where tired and ready for bed. Jesse was not so much tired he was ready to play. Since this kid has decided that our bed is his, Gene and I have decided he can sleep on the floor. So after we are in bed for the night he can come and lay on our floor but cannot get in our bed. Well I am ignoring him and realize he is asleep so I get up to take him to his room and find this. Jesse sitting in the corner with the blanket over his head. He is snoring he is so asleep. So while I know its hard to see but in the corner between my bed and the night stand thier is Jesse.

$30,000. Dollar cookie

About 12 years ago give or take my uncle bought a truck. When he signed the papers they gave him this kind of cookie. We went to check out the truck and he offered us one of his $30,000. dollar cookies. To this day neither Gene nor I can walk by these cookies without laughing and asking each other if we want a $30,000. dollar cookie.

Just an amusing heart warming story for the morning for you.
So do you want a $30,000 cookie? I do they are the best.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Want me to snow plow for ya?

So today it snowed. Gene was at work. The kids where home playing in the snow. And I for a change was up before 10 a.m. on a Sat. Doesn't happen very often around here but today I was up earlier than I have to get up during the week to get the kids of to school. Scary sight oh well.
So after the kids where outside playing in the snow. It for once this week was warmer. I think we hit like 25 and that my friends was warm. When are highs are not in the double digits you know its cold around here.

So I decided to go and plow the driveway. Bad idea!!!!!! I must add at this point Gene has told me I am not allowed to plow anywhere but our driveway and sidewalk. No where else at all. Let me rephrase No where else at all. I mean it.

Did you miss it cause I did to. So being neighborly and friendly like I am. (Don't you wish you where my neighbor?) Sorry where was I? Oh yeah being friendly and neighborly. I went to help out an older neighbor who has a hard time walking. Well when I looked down the road, I noticed his neighbor hadn't been plowed out. Who by the way was even older. What is a person to do I tell ya. Split second decisions, I tell you what are not my best quality. So I went over to their house to just do the side walk.

Well all was going well until I came to the mailbox. I slowed down watched the blade kinda hit it but not bad. Then went on, well as some of you can attest I often to forget to watch my rear end.

Yep the back is a little wider than the front on our 4-wheeler. When I went and hit the gas after I thought I was safely by. You all the sudden hear crack crash bang. I look back, the mailbox is on the ground.

The other neighbor who I went to help in the first place is outside and sees the whole thing happen. Like I wasn't going to go and tell these people what I had done. The thought crossed my mind but then left really fast.

I start laughing and finish plowing. When I finally get to my neighbors he just laughs. At this time another neighbor has come out. I promptly proceed to get of the 4-wheeler and tell him to finish.

I didn't take any pictures but it was funny, until Gene got home. He takes all the fun out of life.

You have to know at this point that in the 10 years of living at my house and plowing. I have succeeded in breaking, 3 mailboxes, curbing, sprinkler heads, and I am sure a ton of other things I just can't remember right know.

So my little fixer upper husband knows that every time I get on the 4-wheeler to plow our next conversation will go something like this.

Me: ring, ring.
Gene: Hello
Me: How much do you love me?
Gene: What did you break now?
Me: Laugh, do you promise to still love me?
Gene: Just tell me what I have to fix so I can bring home the right tools to fix it.

You get the picture. I really should think of a better way to call and break it to Gene but for some reason when I do something like this I find it amusing. Is that really bad?
Obviously I am easily amused.
One side note is that I have over the last 10 years realized that it makes my life much easier if I call Gene and tell him at work. So when he gets home he has had time to cool of. Makes my life easier. Not so much his but mine yes.

So when her gets home from lunch, he just walks down to asses the damages and realizes its an easy fix. Whew, I am saved he has it fixed and even has time to eat his lunch before he goes back to work.

Just for the record they people weren't home when I hit their mailbox. When they got home I went and told them what I did and that my husband would fix it. She told me thanks for at least trying to help. She also said no harm done as long as your husband will fix it.

Should I be worried? Or should I just stay away from plowing them out in the future?

Please tell me you are amused by my story. I was, is that bad? I really just have a big heart and want to help everyone out. Unfortunately for Gene that usually means that he has to repair something. Man I would be in trouble if I would have married someone else. I used to laugh at my grandpa Warren cause he was "A Jack of all trades" Well now I am realizing its not so bad to be "A Jack of all trades." Especially when you are married to me.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Some might say we have a little shoe problem at our house.
What do you think?
p.s. I am looking and open to all ideas as to what to do with this little area in our house.
It drives both Gene and I crazy.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

James Fieldtrip

Today I had the great honor of going on James field trip to the Clark Planetarium and the Children's Museum. On the bus to boot. I am one lucky girl wouldn't you say?

James on the bus getting ready to leave. Riding the bus is so much fun when you don't get to do it everyday.

Right after we got their. They where already to run and play and have lots of energy.

James and some of his friends walking on Mars. They thought that was cool.

James and friends in front of the big map of


James and friends on the moon. Wow we must have one awesome school to let kids go to Mars and the Moon.

Then It was time for a 3-D movie. It was awesome. It was about the moon and walking on the moon.

What would it be like without a picture of mom and James with our 3-D glasses on.

Next it was on to the children's Museum. James got to ride a horse. Although I think he liked the Chaleesa's horse better.

He got to play in a helicopter.

Then he got to make funny faces at mom what more could a kid ask for?

All in all I think he had a great day. It was lots of fun. Mom even had fun. This is part of the joys of being a stay at home mom. You get to go and hang out with your kids for the day.
Thanks James for wanting me to come with you today I had a great time.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Nap time anyone? When Jesse got home from preschool today I apparently didn't notice he was tired. I was reading the new Dan Brown book completely oblivious to all around me. I look over and see him. He had gone up and got his robe put it on and climbed up on the couch.
To cute not to post.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


All I can say is wow. Springville lost a great man on Wed. the 28 of Oct. I had the privilege to know him. He was the fire chief for Springville. He was loved and respected by most people in the community. He was well loved by me because I knew when the pager went of and my husband was going to go into a burning house I knew Phil had his back and his safety was number one priority in his book.

When I was first married I would get all anxious and never when I heard the pager go off. Pretty soon I came to realize that my husband was pretty safe at what he was doing. In 14 years on Springville's department my husband or none of the other firemen that I am of aware of have gotten hurt while fighting fire under Phil's command.

So the man deserves my respect and gratitude. Know when the pager goes of it doesn't even phase me besides wondering how bad and who's house or whatever is on fire.

So tonight at his viewing they had the fire and ambulance personnel stand next to his casket for 10 min intervals with an ax. Similar to changing of the guards in Washington D.C.

What an honor it was for my husband to partake of this. It was truly amazing to watch all the firemen willing give up their Sunday nights.

One short story about Phil. When the fire department used to light of all the fireworks for Art City days. Gene was of course all into that and was lighting them of. I was over in the arts park watching. Well one went of right close to the ground. I being newly married and didn't understand the whole thing started to panic. I happened to be sitting next to Phil and his wife Helen. When I started getting nervous Phil just looks at me and says "they haven't called for medical they are fine." They where fine and nothing happened. I was sure glad to be sitting by Phil at that time. He was one amazing man and his legacy hopefully and should go on for quite some time in the city.

Gene getting the hand of from "The Allen"

Finishing the hand of and Gene getting into position.

Gene standing at attention.

Still standing their. Pretty cool to watch I must say. I am biased but still really cool.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What really matters in life......

Becouse of the day I had today. I needed a reminder of what really matters. Well I now know what really matters in my life.

In the end (pun intended) life is worth it. Just sometimes I think we all need a little reminder once in awhile.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The crazy things we do.....

Seriously I think that we should be banned from KSL classifieds. We found this little cutie online last night at like, 9:15 and by 9:45 we where in the car headed home with him.

He is 6 weeks old and just as cute and adorable as could be.

I think we have to be the most impulsive people on the planet. We have looked and then I usually just say no way and we go on with our nights.

Not last night. Gene was looking at puppies and got the kids involved. I think he has wanted one longer than me.
Right know he is staying inside the house but he will defiantly be an outside dog. I can handle an inside one for a little while But not forever.
Hopefully this little cutie will be easily trained.
One thing is for sure he is well loved already.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

This is what I have been working on for the last year. Ok so maybe not the whole time.
My aunt redid her kitchen and I asked her if I could have this cabinet. It is nothing special but my Great grandpa Whiting built it so it makes it special to me. I am very pleased with how it turned out. Can't wait to get it in my house.

Finished product. I think it turned out pretty cool. My aunt has another one in her basement that she uses for storage. I am wondering if I can talk Gene into building her some shelfs if she will let me have the other one. I wanted to put glass in it but Gene said not this time. So if I get the other one we are defiantly putting glass in it.

I wish you could see the hardware on here it is amazing. I love how they don't line up equal just gives it more character. So fun.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Can life get any better?

Church in your pajamas at home. Watching conference listening to the Prophet in your Pajamas. Feeling the spirit in between stop bugging each other don't touch them. Sit listen watch. Be quiet, but when those still small feelings come it is all worth it.
I am so lucky to live where we do to be able to watch conference in our pajamas. Wrapped in blankets eating chocolate.
I know thier are some who have to get all dressed up and still go to church to listen. we are so lucky when we get to be at home and listen in our pajamas.

Gene and James trying to teah Jesse how to play rummikub.

Kelty playing games.

Watching Conference, messy house, Priceless.

Church in pajamas.

Priceless. Can life get any better.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh my gosh isn't she georgous? I am having some tenchinal difficulties tryint to get these to upload so here is some of Kelty for right know. I love how they all turned out can't wait to figure this out and get them all on here for you guys to see. I promise more to come.

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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What makes me SAD, What makes me happy.

This is what makes me very sad. my popcorn bucket is empty. I love popcorn And everything it entails.

This is what makes me very happy my popcorn bucket full. I absolutely love popcorn espically when it has any kind of popcorn syrup on it. That makes me even more happier but alas I can at least make me some. Happy days are here again.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Grandma Whiting

So 1 year ago today, my Grandma Whiting passed away. What bittersweet memories.

Approximately 3 weeks before she fell and broke her hip.

I still remember her the night before she fell.

She was living in a care center, called Hearthstone. They always did Family Home Evening every Monday. So shortly after she moved into Hearthstone, my sister and I thought it would be great to rotate spending Monday nights with grandma and the cousins.

So that is how Family Home Evening started. My sister would do the schedule and then you would go on your night.

Do to some events in my sisters life, she called and asked if I would take over scheduling for her. So for about 2 months I did the schedule. It was great. Then the day before she fell. I somehow managed to schedule Teddy and Myself and our family's for that night. Without knowing what I had done until we got to the rest home.

I remember sitting their talking to grandma and in walks Teddy. We look at each other confused but stay.

I don't remember what the actual family night was. I do remember that Teddy brought doughnuts and Jesse wanted to climb on her bed and eat his. This didn't go over to well with grandma.

We didn't take grandma anywhere that night just sat and visited and enjoyed each others company.

When we left for some reason I had to walk to the front desk. Gene went the other way to the car with the kids. Then I returned past my grandma's doorway.

She was sitting on her green couch like she always did looking out her window. I still remember pausing and just staring at her. Something told me this would be the last time I would see her like this.

I being who I am passed this feeling of and thought nothing of it. I did stare at her a little longer than normal though. I quietly said "I love you grandma", she didn't hear me. I went on out to the car with my husband and kids.

I had a lot to do. School was starting in 2 days I needed to make sure my kids got all their stuff together.

Early the next morning my mom calls. I see who it is and say couldn't you have waited till like 10 a.m. this is my last day to sleep in.

She says no I thought you would like to know that grandma fell during the night and broke her hip we are at Mountain View Hospital.

I immediately went back to that thought I had the night before. I knew I should have taken it more serious.

I thought I was busy and like always my grandma would always be here.

Then suddenly she wasn't here anymore. I crumbled, what was I going to do. Who was I going to call to ask canning questions to? ( I know about the blue ball book but it is never as good as grandma.) Who was going to tell my kids to finish their dinner even if they didn't like it. Who was going to tell me to pick that weed and through it away. Who was going to just randomly pop into my new house when I didn't have dinner cleaned up yet, let alone have her 2 sisters with her. I was mortified. Who was going to make me feel OK. Who was going to help me peel tomato's, peaches, pears, apples. Who was going to teach my kids a penny saved is a penny earned, or you have to keep on keeping on.

I all the sudden felt a huge responsibility to my kids. I have a lot to teach them.

So today in honor of my grandma I took my kids to the floral. Let them pick out their own flower. We took them to her grave and I told them how wonderful this lady was and what she meant to me and hopefully someday to she will become to mean that much to them.

I told them why I say "I want it Grandma Whiting clean." Why $2 bills are important to me. Why canning is so fun to me, why when I sleep I have to have the covers up around my neck but my feet sticking out. No matter how hot it is outside. Why I have to pull every weed I see.

Why they should always hold their head up high and stand for something.

I am forever thankful for Grandma Whiting and her role in my life. I don't think a day goes by that I don't think of her.

I hope that grandma knows how much we love her and all that she sacrificed for me and my children.

I am even more grateful for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The things I have learned. To know this is not the end but a beginning. To know that Grandma is standing up straight, cleaning off her door frames. Re-cleaning her windows cause the wind blew when she was done and got them dusty again.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Canning again......

So I didnt think we had any pictures of the three of us canning.
So I had to change that. Here is Christy my mom and me peeling tomatos for salsa.

Posted by PicasaSeriously I don't know what I would do without my mom and sister and all the help they give to me. It is always a blast to get together with them and squish tomatos. So much fun. I think I have realized why I like canning, because it usually involves spending time with these two wonderful ladies.

First day of 3 year old preschool.

He is so excited to go. He wanted to wear his soccer socks. (We don't play soccor or have soccor socks but this is what he wanted to wear.)

Jesse being silly. Doing a normal Cope picture. Have to hang the tongue out.

Enough Pictures already mom. He was getting mad at me.

You have to love it when they run into Preschool and don't even care if you are thier or not.
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